
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 16, 2024





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If we are to believe the climate religion of the Left, then the Chief Polluter in Charge, President Biden is guilty of massive pollution with this senseless trip to meet other globalists in their quest to destroy the world’s energy. Joe Biden is polluting the world with air flights for himself, his climate staff, and traveling administration personnel, jaunting off to the world climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

But everything Democrat fascists are doing in promoting the climate change false religion can be easily negated. Yes, we can win the battle against the insane electric car policy and the whole Green New Deal can be won easily with the understanding that solar electric panels don’t work at night⏤period end of story!

As an alternative energy engineer, I had the misfortune of working with solar electric panels, which are an environmental nightmare.

After 25 years of use, they become unrecyclable toxic waste. That’s right, they stop working after 25 years or less. And what is left is a hunk of toxic metals embedded in glass, that can not be recycled.

What are we going to do with the millions and millions of solar panels after they stop working? There will literally be mountains of them.

They are hazardous waste, highly toxic—mountains of toxins. The land on which they were placed is no longer suitable for agriculture. Or for people to live on. Toxins from the solar panels, and the associated mechanical and electric equipment will have leached into the soil for 25 years. 

Thus, when more farmland is needed to grow food, the massive areas covered by solar panels are not a candidate.

We must stop policies that will destroy the American economy, and reduce Americans into poverty and slavery. 

If it is true that CO2 is a danger to the planet (which it isn’t), then consider this. Making a solar electric panel produces more CO2 than the panel will ever save.

It’s also a sword of truth that solar electric panels are made in China. They are made in factories using vast amounts of high heat in production. And these are powered by coal-fired electric generating plants.

Solar electric panels are created by fossil fuels. And as mentioned, they make more CO2 than they will ever save.

Plus, American fascists are sending billions of dollars with China so China can invest in more hypersonic missiles.

Take the trendy topic of electric cars…

Even Elon Musk, who created the electric vehicle industry, has made it clear. When large numbers of cars move from petrochemical power to electric power, there will not be enough electricity available to power them.

They don’t work when it’s snowing, raining, or cloudy either. The truth is that they don’t work very much at all. But let’s focus on this idea. They do not work when it’s dark.

 Generally, cars are driven mainly during the day. And electric vehicles are no different. However, there is an extra step with those admittedly cute electric vehicles: driven in the day, charged up at night.

Live in an apartment building? Can you imagine everyone trying to charge their cars during the evening? Hundreds of people from one building.

 And the suburbs are even in a worse situation. The electric grid structure for a suburban street one block long has the capacity to charge at most five cars at a time. But the demand will be for many times that number.

You guessed it, damage to the grid system will occur. Blackouts here we come.

Let us shout it from the rooftops, solar panels are called “Solar” for a reason.

For that same reason, they also have another name, “Photovoltaic Panels.” “Photo” means light and is derived from photons of light from the sun.

 With no solar input, no photons, the solar panels just sit there and don’t produce electricity. But isn’t that just when the electric car owners need the power?

 Even worse, when there is some sun during the day, there are only two or three peak hours in which the sunlight provides optimal power. The rest of the day, for some hours before and some hours after the strongest sunlight, the panels do not have optimal energy input from the sun.

And to top it all off, as the panels’ age, they lose the little efficiency they have when new from the Chinese factory.

And could there be still worse news about solar electric panels? 

If you live in a state where it snows during the winter, you can expect the massive solar electric farms in your state to look like this:

We are in a war, and not just a war of ideas. It’s a war against a false religion of Climate Change and Global Warming.

 To win the war, destroying their false religion with irrefutable facts that everyone can recognize is true is part of the battle. Just remember that, Solar Panels Don’t Work At Night!

Dr. Joel S Holmes is an engineer who has specialized in both alternative energy and code-cracking. He recommends fighting full force politically, economically, and socially against the big lie: The Green New Deal. Learn how to destroy the Green New Deal in this amazing book. It gives step-by-step information to win the battle: ICE AGE … 2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY FOR THE COMING ICE AGE. He provides a history of cold weather solar minimums in the middle ages and as recently as the 1700s and 1800s. What life was like during solar minimum mini-ice age cold periods explains why we will soon enter a new mini-ice age.


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