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June 16, 2024





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In a Society where personalized approaches to health and well-being are gaining momentum, the intersection of genetics and holistic wellness offers a profound opportunity for individuals to unlock their full potential and thrive.

By embracing a holistic approach that considers the intricate interplay between our genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, environment, and emotional well-being, we can embark on a transformative path towards optimal health and vitality. Genetic health optimization empowers us to understand our unique genetic predispositions, vulnerabilities, and strengths, allowing us to tailor lifestyle interventions and wellness practices that are personalized to our individual needs.

By harnessing the power of genetic insights, we can make informed choices about nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and other key aspects of our lifestyle that can profoundly impact our health outcomes.

Through the integration of ancient healing traditions, modern scientific advancements, and cutting-edge genetic technologies, we have the opportunity to cultivate a holistic approach to wellness that nurtures our body, mind, and spirit. In this next hour, we will delve into the fascinating world of personalized wellness, self-discovery, and empowered decision-making. At the same time, we explore the transformative potential of unlocking our genetic blueprint to achieve optimal health, vitality, and well-being.

Joining me for this episode is Dr Tyler Panzner, a Ph.D. scientist turned holistic genetic health coach with a unique perspective on human health and disease. Combining his scientific training in cellular and molecular biology with the principles of holistic medicine, he offers a missing piece to achieving optimal health and thriving in life. His approach, called “Holistic Genetic Health Optimization,” utilizes genetic-based information alongside holistic healing techniques. This is an entirely new take on health, wellness, and medicine, and he fully believes it will change the world.

His journey began with a fascination for science and a desire to understand how cells function in both health and disease. Dr. Panzner pursued a Ph.D. in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology, specializing in neuropharmacology and breast cancer immunology. During this time, his interest in genetics and personalized medicine grew, and he realized the importance of genetic information in understanding our bodies.

Analyzing his own genome and discovering mutations that contributed to his inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, and allergies, he began researching and implementing targeted natural supplements and nutrients to address these issues. This led him to help friends and family by analyzing their genetic data and identifying the root causes of their ailments, often providing solutions that were missed by conventional medicine.

With a strong belief in addressing the root causes of health issues and teaching others how to live a healthy life, Dr. Panzner transitioned from research to a role as a clinical test analyst of next-generation sequencing data. He then started his own healthcare practice in June of 2022 so he can help drive the change he wants to see in the healthcare space by providing holistic genetic health advice to the public, as well as other healthcare professionals. He believes his approach can enhance the effectiveness of any type of healthcare practice, as it allows one to eliminate guesswork and get to the root genetic drivers of poor health and disease.

Nurses Out Loud can be heard on weekdays at 10 AM ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes of Nurses Out Loud can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.


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