
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 18, 2024





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Every American must take a stand against this massive, orchestrated assault on our Constitution and our rights endowed to us by our Creator. If we do not heed the threat, then 2022 may turn out to be a Eulogy for this magnificent document that has been an unparalleled beacon of liberty to the entire world since it was ratified in 1789. Will 2022 become the year we look back and realize this was the year that the fire of the Torch of Freedom went out, and catapulted the world into slavery to the global elite technocrats?

We now face a 5th Generation Warfare assault on all of our institutions and everything we hold dear about our lives as free Americans. Our Founding Principles and rule of law are being shredded. We need to re-focus on our history because the radicals are systematically erasing it at “warp speed.”

> Listen to the podcast: Constitution Day 2022: Eulogy to the Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress on 4 July 1776 to publicly announce to the world the unanimous decision of the American colonies to declare themselves free and independent states, free of any loyalty or suppression by Great Britain and King George and his tyranny. In addition to declaring the American colonies free from British tyranny, The Declaration of independence is the definitive American statement of the conditions of legitimate political authority and the goals and proper functions of government. 

The Declaration of Independence also unequivocally declares We the People, are sovereign human beings answerable to God, who endowed us with Life and Liberty. We are not slaves to the government. The Declaration of Independence is chiefly the work of Thomas Jefferson, who described it as “an expression of the American mind,” intended to “place before mankind the common sense of the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent.”

Listen again to these powerful and inspiring words – even take time to read them aloud to yourself:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

In early drafts, Jefferson used the word “property” instead of “happiness” to show the intent that we have an unalienable right to the intellectual property of our individual creative mind, and the right to hold property – such as land, homes, and other fruits of our individual productivity. “Property” came to be called “Happiness” in the final document, though it actually means far more than just a mental state of positive mood.

Later during the War Between The States, Abraham Lincoln said that when all of use in future generations read these words, we should hold them as dear, and appreciate our right to claim these words just as if we were the blood of the blood and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote that Declaration in 1776.

The fundamental assertions of the Declaration are powerful: 

  • We possess these rights as a gift from our Creator; we all possess them equally. 
  • Government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.
  • The purpose of government is to secure your rights, not to trample on them.
  • We, the people, retain the right to alter or abolish government when it becomes destructive to those ends of securing our rights. 

Our Founders were clear: Governments should not be changed for trivial reasons, but when unjust or tyrannical governments trample on the peoples’ Creator-endowed rights, the people have a duty to “alter or abolish it and to institute a new Government” in order to “provide new Guards for their future security.”

Pay attention to those words, America! Now in 2022, our Constitution and our Creator-endowed rights are being shredded before our very eyes. Just a few chilling examples illustrate how precariously close we are to losing everything guaranteed us by our Constitution:

  • The right to Life is being usurped by unlawful mandates for experimental shots, in spite of skyrocketing sudden deaths of healthy people after getting the COVID shots.
  • The right to bodily integrity has been destroyed: people are forced against their will into medical treatments with known toxicity: remdesivir, morphine, fentanyl, midazolam, and ventilators in America’s hospitals under the guise of “COVID protocol,” which has become the “hospital murder for money” with bounties paid by our own government.
  • Biden’s “Transhumanism-on-Steroid” Executive Order just after our 21-year anniversary of the visible terror attack on 9-11-2001 creates an invisible attack BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT on our very DNA and human genome! Shocking government control of the very basic core of what makes us human beings created by God. If this is allowed to stand, you won’t even have control of your own DNA or mind processes.
  • The right to free speech has been totally suppressed by government-directed censorship by Big Tech, Big Medicine, Big Pharma, and “woke” global businesses and a “woke” Military.
  • The right to worship freely has been prohibited in the military with the persecution of people of faith, particularly Protestants and Catholic Christians.  Churches across America were mandated by the Government to close during a “COVID emergency,” while liquor stores, strip joints, and marijuana dispensaries were considered “essential” and allowed to remain open. Sidebar: WHY did most of America’s Pastors stand for this outrage?
  • The right to be free from unwarranted search and seizure – witness what has happened to our former President Trump, key members of his Cabinet and advisors, and top supporters with a weaponized FBI conducting raids purely on political grounds.
  • The right to own property and to have due process before it is taken. Witness the forced closing of small businesses with the “COVID emergency” – many of whom lost their business and even homes to this government take-over of their property while the “elites” and “big box” businesses like Amazon, Walmart, Costco, and others on the “favored list” scored windfall profits.
  • The right to peaceably assemble, express your opinions, and oppose tyrannical actions by the government – witness what happened to the “January 6ers” now detained for interminable months on end without due process. Witness what happened to the Canadian truckers who were peacefully and lovingly protesting lockdowns – and were beaten by their own police and financial accounts locked by the government.
  • The right to secure our borders. The travesty at our southern border with the flood of illegal migrants freely coming into our country, the countless abuses of innocent lives, the horrific toll on our border states and rising crime across America, and the bald-faced lies of our current administration are not only unconstitutional, but inhuman. The open border is a deadly threat to the very survival of America as a sovereign nation.

The abuses the American people have suffered since January 2020 are orders of magnitude beyond the even extensive list of abuses suffered by the American colonist at the hands of the British King, which led the representatives of the Constitutional Congress, “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence” declare themselves to be free and independent.

It was eleven years after the adoption of The Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, that a small group of delegates convened in Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution for governing the new nation formed by the now independent original American colonies. Delegate John Adams declared the three-and-a-half-month convention “the single greatest effort of national deliberation that the world had ever seen.”  

The Delegates met in Independence Hall from May 25 through September 17, 1787, seeking to form “a more perfect union,” and establish a government that would “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Our Constitution has done exactly that until the major interference in our core freedoms escalated with the Patriot Act after the 9/11 terror attack. With the declaration of the COVID emergency,” the government and global elites have unleashed a demolition of the US Constitution as fast and furiously as they could on all fronts.

The challenge of the founders and writers of the Constitution was to create the institutional arrangements for limiting the power and securing the rights promised in the Declaration of Independence, while preserving a constitutional republic form of government – specifically, NOT a democracy. 

What is the difference between a “democracy” (or mob rule) and a constitutional republic? Sadly most people today cannot answer that. Here is a simple explanation of the difference, attributed to Benjamin Franklin: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, sitting down to vote on what to have for lunch. A Republic (Liberty) is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Think about that. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority. A constitutional republic has checks and balances, so that minority rights are protected. Our Founders created a strong government of adequate but limited powers, carefully enumerated in a written document, consisting of an executive branch to carry out the law, two houses in the legislative branch to write laws, and the judicial branch intended to be independent and adjudicated disputes of law.

The structural arrangement of the new government included the checks and balances that we call separated powers, giving each branch different functions and responsibilities being different, so that no one dominant dominates. It is based upon the concept of federalism which divides authority between the national and the State governments.

The fact that the Constitutional Convention Delegates agreed on such a system was, according to George Washington, “little short of a miracle,” and they talked often about Divine Providence inspiring their work, after they began starting their work sessions with prayers for wisdom. 

Since its final ratification on Sept 17, 1789, The Constitution of the United States of America has secured our fundamental rights, providing for Americans an unprecedented degree of human freedom that has been unparalleled in the world, and upholding the rule of law that has made America a just and safe country that has been a magnet to those living in oppression around the world. 

It truly has been the quantum leap – the cornerstone of American exceptionalism – the idea that our rights as human beings came from God, not a king, or other government. The Constitution has been the framework for the people of America to build a great and prosperous, and just nation that has truly been unlike anything in the world.

The United States Constitution and the Declaration of independence have served as powerful beacons to all who seek to live in freedom under the principles of self-government. These two documents have also been a warning to tyrants and despots everywhere. They truly are the highest achievement of our political tradition, and they still define us as a people and a nation. Together. These two documents represent the heritage that American civilians and military service members have lived by: to defend the rights of life and liberty granted by God, our Creator.

Today, our Truth Team of Freedom Fighters are fighting on the battlefield of words and ideas to expose the lies, deceptions, and unlawful mandates from our government that are destroying our Constitution. Our military service members of courage and faith are speaking out at great personal risk to warn all of us that we are in dire jeopardy of losing all our freedoms forever. America, all of you listening to and reading these words today must join us in taking a stand to preserve all of our freedoms.

Listen to the podcast: Constitution Day 2022: Eulogy to the Constitution?

Our active-duty military service members join DrLee4America on Constitution Day 2022 both to celebrate one of the greatest documents in the history of human liberty that has ever been written: The Constitution of the United States of America, and the document that inspired the development of the proper role of government enshrined in the Constitution: The Declaration of Independence, adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776.

We also discuss shocking assaults on the US Constitution by America’s own Department of Defense and top brass leadership who are knowingly, flagrantly, and with impunity, literally shredding the Constitutional rights enshrined in the Constitution that all military officers take an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Join us at the Truth for Health Foundation, so that the torch of freedom burns bright!


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