
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 16, 2024





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Legal researcher Katherine Watt has completely unmasked the FDA as a tool of global aggression against the people of the United States. Yes, the emperor has no clothes on — but it’s much worse than that.

The FDA is not just a naked man — it is a shameless, loathsome evil miscreant (our words) that is collaborating with the Department of Defense (DoD), The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other federal agencies in the global attack on American citizens and upon the Constitution that protects our rights and gives us strength and motivation to resist.

Katherine’s view soars from way above the fray to look at the global evil we are fighting and then gets practical as she focuses down on the nuts and bolts of the laws that have been passed, allowing the global minions to run amok within our government and among our unwitting citizens.

For those of you who understandably find it hard to believe that there is a global governance trying to force itself fully upon the world by weakening all resistance from the least threat to them, which is us — we lace into Katherine Watt’s presentation a brief history of world empires since the dawn of civilization.1

Under the guise of public health, they unleashed upon us a supposed mRNA “vaccine,” but in reality, we are not even allowed to know what is really in it, and federal laws have now removed all oversight of its manufacture and distribution, putting us at the mercy of people who have ill-intent toward us.2

The clearest marker or signal we have of the destructiveness of this biological weapon is the number of reports of death from the injections reported by the CDC and FDA (the VAERS system), which now surpasses 20,000. Every one of these reports almost certainly represents one hundred or more unreported deaths, so that 20,000 reports reflect at least 2,000,000 deaths of Americans,3 with the largest number occurring on the day of the shot and most of them within 2-3 days.

Katherine Watt also cites the laws that have been passed declaring that FDA participation in developing vaccines under the Emergency Authorization (EUA) can not lead to official approval of the so-called vaccines. None of the COVID “vaccines” has received official FDA approval, and any such approval is prohibited by the law.

Here is Katherine Watt’s own summary indictment of what is going on in the FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public:

All FDA activity that appeared to be license-related, pertaining to all biological products manufactured since May 2019, has been fraudulent, performative, charade, pretextual, and any other word or phrase that means not real, not substantive, not legally relevant.4

She describes the legal processes that may enable us to take back our government and our freedom. She confirms the grassroots organizations and actions that should be supported in overturning the globalist intentions of destroying our constitutional democracy.


1 Peter and Ginger Breggin. (2021 November). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Obtainable at all bookstores, including Amazon, and directly from us at

2 A British medical journal report confirms the mess and chaos surrounding the unsupervised manufacturing process.

3 Also see our recent report, Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue (ADEx): An Insidious Gateway to Transhumanism and Human Control (


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5 months ago

I love Katharine Watt and Sasha Latypova and James Roguski plus a few others, but those 3 are gathering evidences and documents…we NEED LAWYERS AND JUDGES WHO ARE UN AFRAID TO UPHOLD THE REAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW!!!! PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE…

Larry W Brown (The PoetLarryeate™️)
Larry W Brown (The PoetLarryeate™️)
5 months ago

Thank you Dr. Breggin for your decades of devotion to mental health, improving outcomes, eliminating brutality in psychiatry and medicine. I have your latest book and have promoted it heavily. You are an indomitable hero! You may not recall but I briefly met you in LA around 1986 for a few minutes with a man named Heber Jentsch regarding mutual efforts for improvement of conditions on earth by eliminating barbaric psychiatric “treatments”. My wife and I are honored to follow your interviews and insightful talks and writings and share you with our friends and family. May God bless you generously and angels protect and grant you as many years as you may wish for! Actually I cannot imagine the world without you (and heroine Ginger) here! 🤗❤️🥁🙏🎼🎶

Janice Elbert
Janice Elbert
5 months ago

Please Help Minnesota! Our County level completely complies because they don’t want to let go of funding, be at the State level or Federal level. Again, HELP!!

4 months ago

I am amazed by the great amt. of research this all takes. I like how Katherine references Our Lady of Prompt Succor. We need to pray for help and to protect our bodies from the garbage trying to be inserted in them. JUST SAY NO!
I learned this from Jim Stone, an independent researcher. I believe the company’s name was Corvelva. It is an Italian testing company that decided to check the content of different vaccines. This was before the covid fiasco. NONE of the vaccines had the antigens for the diseases they were supposed to be preventing.
In other words, they were nothing more than delivery systems of getting who-knows-what into you body.

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