
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 29, 2024





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It’s all about keeping former President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot. The world knows it all too well. But we are living in evil times when judges are bribed, politicians are corrupt, scholars are dishonest, and truth is elusive. Despite the unfavorable odds, the question-and-answer volleys between Supreme Court justices and attorneys suggest that the states have no authority to select who American citizens may or may not vote for to represent them as Commander in Chief.

But let’s not count our turkeys before they hatch!

The same Supreme Court justices who will hopefully rule logically on the 14th Amendment debate — I compromise to even call it such a debate— have already shown their unsteady hand in declaring that the Feds have the authority to cut down Texas’s razor wire at the border, on private land. In other words, our supposedly wise and intelligent judges said, in effect, that a state hasn’t the right to defend itself from invaders. How will they interpret Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? Is it applicable to the president? To the January 6th fake insurrection?

The Colorado court charges are but another mockery of justice. First, we see a total disregard for due process. Donald Trump has never been formally charged, tried, or convicted of insurrection. Decisive evidence has been ignored and withheld, such as President Trump’s two January 6, 2021, Twitter posts: at 1:38 PM, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!” And at 2:13 PM, “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law and Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

Those are not the words of an insurrectionist, no matter how you twist the story. President Trump’s message has never fit the narrative the American Communist Party decries. Neither do any of the small fragments of J6 video footage we’ve seen. We know why they’re so hesitant to release the entire footage. It would implicate the accusers and the real instigators of this election fraud diversion.

Surely the Supreme Court justices are not ignorant of all the evidence. Why is the evidence not a part of the hearings? Because courts are much more interested in procedure than in justice. Forgive me for venting such inconvenient truths. What did the justices have to say? To summarize, they had many concerns. Even the liberal judges.

Chief Justice John Roberts accurately points out, “The whole point of the 14th Amendment was to restrict state power, right?” Justice Elena Kagan raised a key issue, stating, “I think that the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States.” Justice Kavanaugh echoed the sentiments of the January 6 hostages. “What transpired in this litigation fell woefully short of what due process demands,” he declared. Even bipolar justice Amy Coney Barrett submits basic common sense: “If we review the facts essentially de novo, you want us to all just watch the video of the ellipse and then make a decision without any deference to or guidance from lower court fact finding? That’s unusual.”

That’s exactly right, Amy. It isn’t at all unusual if you consider that no findings of fact exist.

Unusual? It’s criminal! It is lawfare at its worst. And it grates harshly against the freedom-loving minds of a free citizenry who still comprise a majority in this invaded country! All actual evidence pointed to a planned coup by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in cahoots with a soiled FBI team and compromised Capitol police.

Two violent deaths occurred on January 6, both at the hands of Capitol police who stirred up a peaceful crowd of patriots who loved their nation enough to petition their corrupt government for a redress of grievances over a stolen election — another treasonous act that has yet to be reconciled.

The American people are now seething. Evil never prevails for long, especially not in a nation whose denizens still hold dear the Constitution and the ways of our Christian God. Whatever the SCOTUS decision in this historical moment of debauchery on the national stage, we the people must assert our free speech and fulfill our obligation to abort this hostile takeover of our country by a self-serving Communist Uniparty. Nothing less will do.

The Deep State time is short; they are a desperate beast. What we need more than ever is a targeted offensive against the sullen regime that loots Americans and offers booty to enemy invaders. Not exactly a Robin Hood story. We must put an end to the enemy within our borders, both foreign and domestic!

Now, let’s see how the justices rule.

Image: AP


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