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June 1, 2024





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The word is ‘dysfunctionality.’ The year, circa 2023. The state of the world is perilous and bleak, brought on by global, international totalitarianism. The mood and morale of people throughout the world is pessimism, defeatism, and fatalism. This is the state of our broken world.

What are the causes of our current worldly malaise, you ask?

For thoughtful, culturally, and historically savvy people, the answer is very familiar, a time-proven culprit; the same corrupt pathological condition that has plagued the world with wars, guerilla warfare, indoctrination, misinformation campaigns, gulags, and unprecedented violence since the start of the twentieth century, and which governs today: Marxist leftism.

There are no coincidences in the social/political world that the current strands of leftism dominate. The notion that we should be vexed and mystified by the brute living conditions that citizens of Western democracies are currently undergoing is a scam perpetrated by global elites – the power brokers of ‘divide and conquer’ totalitarianism.

The current strands of leftism’s divide-and-conquer control over the human psyche are more sophisticated than any form of leftism in prior eras. Besides being savage and opportunistic in its pursuit of ‘the ends justify the means,’ today’s leftism can best be described as demonic.

The expansion of leftism into every nook and cranny of the human world, from medicine to sexuality to the effective creation of a morally and mentally unstable populace, is consistent with the structural underpinning of Marxism.

Marxist Leftism: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Marxism is akin to chameleons that change their color according to their environment. Chameleons and Marxism change their color in order to survive. This is one way to realize that instead of desiring to rule effectively, with an eye toward the creation of a better world, Marxism’s insistence in attacking and destabilizing all aspects of morally and spiritually healthy persons proves that it is a pseudo-intellectual power grab.

Marx’s sly and sinister attack on the human person – what Marxist power-mongers do in order to enslave entire populations and their alleged enemies – is the gift that keeps on giving.

Marxism creates self-hating collectivists, morally corrupt, and spiritually debased people who cannot function in society. Marxism knows that social/political violence does the rest. This is why Marxism creates dysfunctional societies.

Attacking Western Democracies

The thought and attention to detail that has gone into creating better living conditions for all, which is the signature mark of the founders of Western democracies, does not readily evaporate on its own. Unlike communism, which has the seeds of its own collapse embedded in its infrahuman, contradictory quest for power, traditionally, Western democracies have been attacked by agents of destruction that operate from without.

However, the current model of global totalitarianism, which operates on sedition and treason, employs fifth columnists who corrupt and destroy Western democracies from within by undermining institutions, the legal process, government agencies, the free press, and the churches.

The Need to Destabilize Entire Populations

During the 1960s and ‘70s, sociologists, social/political theorists, and futurists like Alvin Toffler, writer of Future Shock, The Third Wave, and Powershift, made a living discussing the differences between the ‘first’ and ‘third’ world. They demonstrated a mania for describing the first world as the domain of capitalism and colonialism, and the third as the exploited majority. Their vision of human reality was locked in, and, thus, dominated by social/political ideology, paying little attention to human nature, and what this means to economics: the reality that people have been trading, bartering, exchanging, buying, and selling goods and services since time immemorial.

What was the most telling sign of things to come in the 1970s?

The expansion of Chinese communism into Western democracies, given its ability to woo the whoring, morally correctible nature of the heads of Western corporations through alleged guilt and virtue-signaling the evils of mammon – the devil of covetousness – would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. This is when talk of the ‘second’ world becomes interesting.

So, what about the second world?

Enter the ‘Second’ World

The three-world tier came about during the Cold War.

If the capitalist Western world was said to be ruled by industrialism, what was the communist world going to be called? Besides being communist, that is, totalitarian, a system that crushes the individual in order to safeguard the authority of centralized government, Soviet Bloc countries needed to be portrayed as being on the up-and-up, thus: call them ‘developing nations.’

The disinformation campaigns that international communism, socialists, and fellow travelers launched against Western democracies promoted the illusion that in order to develop, ‘developing’ Soviet Bloc nations needed to sever ties with the capitalist world. This was strictly a performative, saving-face maneuver, given that communism produces nothing.

Hence, the second world referred to communist and socialist nations: the Soviet Bloc. Of course, this muddled up the reality of economics, and supply and demand on purpose. What to do about socialist industrial nations like Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Great Britain, and even, the New Deal, welfare state of America?

In communist and socialist nations, economics is determined by the government bureaucracy. Supply and demand are determined and conditioned by the party apparatchiks. In other words, the central government determines what people want, and what goods and services are made available.

Well into the ‘70s, communists alleged that the best that the second world had to offer, besides raw materials, was the quality of its people. Brazil, Mexico, Asia, and Africa were examples of the ‘fledging’ best that humanity has to offer. Remember, capitalism = selfish, evil people; communism = wholesome, caring collectivists.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Destroy Them, But Never Join Them Mentality

The state of global totalitarianism today is a scorched-earth moral, cultural, and social/political policy. The only way to create a socialist utopia, alleged global, international communism today, is to destroy America.

Albeit, there are great financial rewards for globalist totalitarian elites in consolidating (centralizing) the world’s capital through the annihilation of the American constitution, way of life, and value of the dollar.

What appears to be ironic in any discussion of the three-tier world – which does not go unnoticed by globalist totalitarians – is that Western democracies, given the bee-like industry, ingenuity, and life-affirming work ethic of its citizens, still continues to offer the world the best chance for stability, prosperity, and peace.

Knowing this to be the case, why would global totalitarianism, which is pathologically intent on controlling human beings, promote the idea that people should become responsible for their life and well-being?

Given this and other totalitarian expedient reasons, the quest is on, always a blood sport with the left, to desecrate, destroy, loot, and siphon the life-affirming force from Western values and mores. The effect of this is the creation of societies turned on their head through moral corruption, populations that reel from self-destructive behavior through drugs and aberrant values, cowardly men and women, culturally and historically functional illiterates, and the systematic spread and normalization of mental illness.

Divide and conquer has never been so effective. So proficient that it now rules over the rubble and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Further Reading:

Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald J. Rychlak. Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism.

Alvin Toffler. Trilogy: Future Shock (1970), The Third Wave (1980), Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century (1990).


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