
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 2, 2024





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It isn’t the first time. America has a long history of persecuting the victim. During World War II, the State Department and FDR claimed that Jewish immigrants could threaten national security. While millions of Jews were dying in the Nazi killing fields and gas chambers, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the State Department turned away many thousands of Jewish refugees, desperate to reach safety in America.

On May 8, President Joe Biden, carrying on this infamous tradition, has again turned his back on Jewish victims – only this time, victims of Islamist terrorism. Bowing to political pressure and his dimming hopes for a re-election in November, Biden has illegally revoked his promise to “have Israel’s back” by embargoing promised weapons to assist Israel in its war against Iran-led terrorist group, Hamas. His denial of those weapons is Illegal because the arms shipments were authorized by a vote of Congress, and Biden, by stopping them, has now once again blurred the lines of separation between the Executive and Legislative branches of government. He claims that this prevents Israel from using them to kill innocent civilians. He ignores that Israel, more than any other nation at war, has done more to protect civilians than America ever did in any war. He has taken one more step towards a totalitarian government in the name of “humanity.”

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

Late on the night of April 20, the House of Representatives passed a $95 billion aid package containing security assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The distribution was $60.84 billion for Ukraine, $26 billion “for Israel,” and $8.12 billion for the “Indo-Pacific,” which presumably means Taiwan.

The $26 billion “for Israel” is a euphemism that means a lot more than money for Israel’s defense. Of that, $9.1 billion (nearly 35%) is earmarked for “humanitarian aid” for Gaza. In cold, harsh terms, that means $9.1 billion to Hamas.

When Congress included $9.1 for “humanitarian assistance” for Gaza, they ignored the reality that humanitarian and other aid that goes to Gaza is immediately commandeered by Hamas, which has stolen the lion’s share of international aid over the 18 years since they assumed power, and kept it for their own purposes. Hamas ignored the needs of the people of Gaza and spent the money on generous salaries and lavish homes for their leaders and the construction of a vast tunnel network, which has figured heavily in the current war with Israel.

$1.9 billion earmarked for Gaza is more than 400% of Gaza’s annual gross domestic product prior to the war, and there are no safeguards in the bill to ensure that the money will actually go where Congress intends it – to provide “humanitarian aid” (i.e., to meet the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza, not the Hamas terrorists). But the very first shipment, which was delivered via the new US-built port in Gaza, was immediately ‘diverted’ by Hamas and did not reach the civilians of Gaza, for whom it was intended. What has Congress not learned from this war? Why are our hard-earned tax dollars being used to fund this evil terrorist organization? Why is there no tax on “stupid”?

The Bottom Line

Israel is one of America’s strongest allies. In addition to the cutting-edge technology that it shares with the US in many fields (including medicine, communications, AI, military, aeronautics, agriculture, and much more), Israeli intelligence is of utmost value to America, and our intelligence relationship has been strong and invaluable for many decades. But Israel is now between a rock and a hard place, facing an existential war on several fronts: against Hamas in Gaza, Hizb’allah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Islamist terrorists within its own borders, and Iran. Israel has faced deadly attacks from all of these enemies and now faces a new enemy, the angry, increasingly violent pro-Hamas demonstrations, which have already turned entire governments against Israel as it fights for its life on so many fronts.

And now, America, in the person of President Joe Biden, has pulled the proverbial rug out from Israel’s feet. As Israel is deep in its most recent and most dangerous war, as it fights for its very survival, Biden has put an arms embargo on the Jewish state because, as he says, “they might kill civilians.”

America’s strategy is backward. It should have been, from the beginning, to assist Israel in destroying Hamas following the monstrous October 7 attack. Instead, Biden and company have put up roadblocks at every turn, hindered Israel’s progress, accepted the lies of Hamas and its supporters in UNRWA, the press, and the hordes of detractors funded by Soros, the Rockefellers, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the hundreds of Islamist student organizations whose members have been schooled in the hate-filled protests that have taken over our universities and our city streets.

President Biden, here is my message to you:

You need to stop listening to the mob. You need to stand down in your game to play both sides. It’s time to stand up and be counted. You need to do what is right, not just what is politically expedient. You need to stand beside our great ally, Israel! And you need to do it now while Israel still has a chance to succeed. Stop playing games with the future of the world. Support your allies and get out of the way of their success against the evil that is Hamas.

Make your legacy one in which – this time – you stood for what is right with courage and determination. Lift the embargo, assist Israel’s just war, and be the leader who saves the world.


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