
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 17, 2024





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As a political party, the Democrats have long abandoned the principles dedicated to a Constitutional Representative Republic. They have become almost political caricatures of Soviet Stalinism that were copied by China’s Mao Zedong, who imposed Stalinism on the Chinese people creating the darkest, bloodiest moments in China’s history from 1949 to this very day.

The Democrat Party appears more Maoist than Stalinist. The Antifa and BLM street thugs, now including transgenders, are the laughable reincarnation of Mao’s cadres of outraged youths clutching their copies of Mao’s “Little Red Book” while screaming invectives at their elderly and professional class citizens accusing them of betraying the ‘thoughts’ of Chairman Mao and impeding his plans for creating a Communist utopia.

In the 1950s, the brutal truth behind the terror facing the Chinese people was imprisonment, personal humiliation, confiscation of assets, banishment, execution, and suicide as their reward for not going along with the program. Their indoctrinated children were expected to spy upon their elders and report any deviation from the thought of Chairman Mao (no fear of any of that from Chairman Biden). They demanded miscreants repent and apologize for their anti-revolutionary thoughts.

When we saw a public parade of Maoist sexual deviants chanting, “We’re queer, we’re here and we’re coming for your children,” believe them! They are no longer afraid of any consequences for their actions. If not throttled right now, it is the beginning of a Mao-like reconditioning of American youths to join the cadres of indoctrinated screaming mobs tearing apart American culture, rewriting America’s history, dishonoring its heroes, and tearing down American monuments to conform to the thoughts of Marx, Lenin, and Mao and drag America into the new world order.

A current example lies in the Maoist state of Michigan, where legislation is in the hopper to create a law to punish and jail anyone convicted of hurting some other person’s feelings. We can extrapolate that as another form of Democrat censorship, warning conservatives that they had better shut the hell up or find themselves charged with a crime. Of course, feelings are not laws, facts are, but that makes no difference to the Maoist crowd who create their own facts in their determination to sweep the American board completely free of citizens not getting with their program. It’s Maoism!

Criminals have absolutely taken over America’s streets. It’s by design! It’s the Democrats that have conditioned us to accept this. Returning arrested felons loose onto the streets because of some questions about “equity” is the eminent snub to a safe, civil society. Mao made China’s business people, its intellectuals and producers, his enemies by simply changing the definition of what an enemy was and turning his mobs loose on them.

In today’s America, instead of “counter-revolutionaries, we are “misogynist-transphobes, racists, sexists,” etc. I mentioned transgenders, because men and women who dress up opposite their gender and believe they are, are becoming dangerous. What was once thought innocent enough until they turned murderous has changed the equation. Until I saw the movie “The Sound of Freedom,” I now know that transgenderism is simply a ruse behind which transgenders, i.e., child molesters, attempt to innocently hide their predatory instincts. Is there a solution? Yes, there is, but it will not be easily accepted by our citizens so thoroughly brainwashed or cowed into buying the idea that vicious criminals need a second, third, or even fourth chance.

In the movie, it was said the possession of children as a business venture was more profitable than drugs. Once sold and used, drugs cannot be sold again, but little children used as sex slaves can be sold several times a day, every day until they’re used up. Pedophilia, therefore, should be a capital offense to save our children because pedophiles cannot, indeed will not be reprogrammed. So, they must be removed. Oh, the horror of it, you say; we can’t do that, but remember, it’s the Democrats who have championed fifty years of killing human beings in the form of babies. Remember Roe v Wade? If we can finally decide to protect our children from the horrors of pedophiles, then we can protect our citizens from the common street thugs who prey en mass on stores and individuals, stripping them of their goods and their sense of safety.

Why should these criminals be allowed to prosper? If Democrats are determined to reduce the population, here’s an excellent place to start: recidivists, armed robbers, carjackers, burglars, and pedophiles. Attack a policeman, and you’re dead; it should be as simple as that. Too, the judicial process should be shortened, not extended into years with a clogged-up appeals process from which only lawyers profit. The process should be a proper arrest, a legal trial, a sentencing date with one appeal, and the execution. It’s people caught in the act.

The issue of equity is thereby fully met as the death sentence is applied across the spectrum, indifferent to sex, race, or political affiliation. You did it; you must pay! What’s not to like about that? Executions should never be public, but they should be immediately and widely published to assuage the public that safe times and sure justice, are returning. The alternative is a return to vigilantism. If fathers want to protect their families, men want to save their neighborhoods, and normal citizens want to save their dignity and not live in fear, then they must be freed of the fear that criminality imposes.

We can’t have a Maoist America! We must fight for our America!

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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Between Three Centuries
Between Three Centuries
10 months ago

If you say anything that hurts a Democrats feelings and the nice policeman is arresting you for it and you resist the arrest, he had the right to kill you, the bad bad evil Republican. Is that what you are saying there George?

10 months ago

mc clellan ranting about spying on people meanwhile he is/ was part of the deep state in a few different places the worst being NCIS

10 months ago

This article is about 5years too late….also, I see you allow your website to act like communists and censor people….typical, straight up acting like communist yourselves

“I agree that America Out Loud reserves the right to monitor all Comments and to remove any Comment for any reason at any time.” wow, communists like Mao much

Beer Buddy
Beer Buddy
10 months ago

The best way of dealing with these new Dems is by giving them some lead.

10 months ago

This NT harlot is hidden within the OT harlot ~ JER(USA)LEM:

Jim Ster
Jim Ster
10 months ago

Too much common sense and logic there. We can’t have that now can we, after all we’re supposed
to believe a dimentia ridden idiot was the most popular president in history in the cleanest election of all time. Thank you for writing this, though it falls on deaf ears to most Americans.

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