
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 29, 2024





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Just when many thought COVID was behind us and we could get back to normal, there are rumors of new variants; masks are again being ordered, and isolation and quarantine Camps are being proposed. What??

Yes, the State of New York, spearheaded by New York Governor Kathy Hochul and her Department of Health, are appealing a ruling last year that struck down the New York State totalitarian and unconstitutional isolation and quarantine state regulation.

A year ago, Dr. Breggin and I were proud to help alert the world to the danger of the New York State proposed regulation to establish isolation and quarantine camps. We invited Attorney Cox as our guest on our TV show on June 1, 2022, and helped further broadcast her actions.1

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox took on this David and Goliath issue and ultimately won the lawsuit titled Borrello v. Hochul.2 The Governor and the Department of Health are now appealing that court ruling, and the case is being heard on September 13, 2023, at 10 a.m. ET, at the courthouse in Rochester.3

Courageous attorney Bobbie Ann Cox describes the regulation, saying:

It allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down, with no proof that you were ever even exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicable disease. They could have locked you down in your home, or they could have removed you from your home and forced you to quarantine in a facility of their choosing.

There was no time restriction, so you could have been quarantined for however long they required – days, weeks, months. There was no age restriction, so they could have done this to you, to your child, to your grandchild, etc. In the true fashion of a totalitarian regime, they could have told you what you could and could not do while in quarantine. They literally could have controlled your every move.

The regulation allowed them to use law enforcement to enforce their orders of isolation or quarantine, which means you could have received a knock at the door from your local police or sheriff telling you that you had to go with them… by order of the Health Department.

Furthermore, the regulation had no procedure by which you could be released from quarantine, no way for you to try to negotiate your way out. And it was not COVID19 specific. There was a laundry list of “communicable diseases” that could have triggered this nightmare loss of freedom ⏤ diseases such as Lyme, Toxic Shock Syndrome, COVID-19 and so many others.

As my lead plaintiff, Senator George Borrello, says… this is a regulation that would likely make Xi Jinping blush.

Quarantine and Isolation Camps are exactly where persons resisting authoritarian and pandemic orders would be sent.

New Yorkers and interested citizens from other states should make the time to attend this groundbreaking appeal hearing on September 13th. What happens in New York today may happen in any other state tomorrow.

Read more about this case at Bobbie Anne Cox’s Substack here.4

1 | ReFounding America: Peter Breggin MD ft. Bobbie Anne Flower

2 Hochul Lawsuit – Uniting NYS

3 (100) Back Me Up, New York! (

4 (100) Back Me Up, New York! (

Cover Image: This photo from China will give you a sense of what Quarantine Camps look like.


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Mecasaisnot sucasa
Mecasaisnot sucasa
8 months ago

Kathy should be the 1st to try it out and the people of Ny can let her know when her freedom can return

Riza Deza
Riza Deza
8 months ago

Expect mental issue and suicide to increase as they keep on locking people down. People should stand up and it’s sad nobody is standing up!

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