
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 15, 2024





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Now comes another International Classification of Disease (ICD) billing code (Z28.310), complements of the World Health Organization, intended to inform the government and your insurer of your Covid vaccine status. The code will be required, no doubt, to receive full reimbursement for any medical services rendered. Don’t allow the significance of this billing code to escape you.

The government has declared your vaccine status to be a publicized disease classification. That means they are labeling you “anti-vaxxed,” with all its negative connotations. Doctors who accept insurance payments must now comply with this new stealth mandate, or else not get paid for services. It’s just another form of regulatory capture.

But make no mistake: in the end, you, the patient, have been captured. Expect the pressure to inject every living person on the planet to continue. It’s part of the plan touted by Fauci, Gates, and Schwab. How useful this information will be as vaccine passports and social credit scores are mandated. We’ve already seen needy patients refused organ transplants and other critical surgeries because they turned down the injectable bioweapon. There will be no beating the system once your vaccine status is registered. But don’t expect the abuse to stop there.

If digital currency prevails in America, would you not expect your government to control your assets based on the ICD-11 (eleventh revision) codes that label you a rebel against the state? Don’t expect a barter system to sustain your needs. Buying and selling would become near impossible. You might even be precisely targeted for extermination. It happened to Jews under Hitler’s reign, and in many other times and places. It certainly can happen again.

In the wacky world of medical piracy, doctors are paid to harm you. In fact, a successful medical career demands full cooperation in the Nazi propaganda campaign. The new slogan of organized medicine has become, “First, do harm!” Unless you learn the subtle ways they operate (not a pun), you’re bound to have no idea you are being played by your doctor.

Ever since Barack Obama attacked medicine with his oxymoronic Affordable Care Act, both patients and doctors have been assaulted. I’ll admit I didn’t make sense of it all at first. Each year since Obamacare was implemented, insurance companies held back a percentage of money due to me for services I had provided. Near the end of each year, insurance companies would present me with a list of patients who had “care gaps” — things I needed to address with the patient that apparently wasn’t previously dealt with. Almost always, they were misdiagnoses and transient issues from the emergency department and urgent care visits that had either resolved or never really existed in the first place.

Occasionally, for example, a patient would be diagnosed with diabetes because of an increased blood sugar level resulting from a steroid dosing, or maybe just because they ate a slice of German chocolate cake just prior to having blood drawn. Regardless, if I wanted to receive the withheld funds due me, I’d have to call in the patients and address the “problem.”

These false incentives for alleged thorough medical care were prompted by insurance companies receiving higher reimbursements for the additional diagnostic codes. And the more serious the “condition,” the greater their reimbursement. Of course, this nonsense always angered the patients, as they still were required to make a copay for an unnecessary visit. It also cut into my extremely busy schedule seeing patients for more urgent health issues. Notice that the insurance companies just assumed I was negligent or callous in caring for my patients. At least, that’s how it felt.

As time went on, these “care gaps” included more bizarre issues. Notably, after the Covid assault began, sick patients were generating lots of money for the hospitals. Because doctors were milking, each victim was admitted to the hospital for as much money as possible before they killed them with remdesivir, opioids, and benzodiazepines; cutting costs suddenly became an insurance company concern.

Many people are now aware of this evil scam. But this precipitated a push by Medicare to have every patient complete an Advanced Directive. They hoped to save money by having patients decide to change their status to “Do Not Resuscitate” and therefore opt out of expensive medical care. It didn’t matter if they already had an advanced directive. Unless I called them in to discuss end-of-life matters again, and used the designated billing code for the encounter, I would not be reimbursed the money that was purposely withheld for my past services.

Though greatly misinterpreted and misused, the book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) does speak of such a time “that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:17). Back up a verse and read that this calamity will befall “both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave.” It’s interesting to note that Covid shot status does include such a diverse population.

That being said, we must be extremely cautious not to add to or detract from the words written in this book (see Revelation 22:18-19). Will an mRNA shot be the “mark”? Who knows. What we can be sure of is that evil will escalate in the world as people fall away from God the Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our personal belief regarding these words makes no difference. History has proven its truth already, and so shall it be in the future. To believe otherwise is to believe the lie.

The moral of the story is simply to be wise. Be alert. Do not be deceived. Be aware that honest physicians who are trying to inform you of dangers to your health are being systematically persecuted and destroyed. Dr. Ryan Cole, the Idaho pathologist who exposed beyond doubt the lethality of spike protein in the Covid shots, is now under attack by the Washington Medical Board.

State medical boards are ruthless villains, and their allegations are mere lies and fabricated stories, often conjured up by fake media such as MedPage Today. But they do their damage. And as oath-keeping physicians are eliminated one by one, who will be left to stand in the gap? And who will you trust for medical care?

Since our entire medical system in America is founded on the WHO’s ICD codes, you can be sure that the full force of medical tyranny is yet to unfold. It’s only a matter of time before we all become victims of this attack on humanity. The Gates and Schwab stereotypes who are intoxicated with power and wealth will never be satisfied by afflicting enough damage to people. Your misery is their delight. When your loved ones die, they snicker and celebrate their victory. Their perverted scheming continues unhindered. Only a spiritually tarnished people would ever silently tolerate such abuse. Do we actually accept the treatment we think we deserve?

Whether or not the ICD-11 Covid status code will pressure more victims to take clot shots is unknown. Already millions have died, and many more live in fearful regret, shame, and guilt because of their uninformed decision. I feel nothing but compassion for these people, regardless of how deceived or woke they may have been. These are fellow human beings who deserve respect and compassion. What they don’t deserve is to be shined on. This is no time to soften the truth.

As new disinformation spreads from local and global theaters of medical abuse, the world population will likely decline. The day may come when truth-tellers are not just mocked and financially destroyed as the price for speaking honestly increases; who knows what will happen to the watchmen. Just remember, there are worse things than martyrdom. Living a lie is one of them.


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A Patriot
A Patriot
1 year ago

They are nailing us all down, one nail at a time. This new nail is part of their way to force people to get vaxxed (to be killed). I had one shot and have been permanently damaged by it (heart damage from Moderna injection). No way will I take another of those. We’re living in a nightmare. Thank the good Lord for providing us a pathway to salvation. So important now to put God first, every day.

Old Wise Man
Old Wise Man
1 year ago

Mass murder & genocide is ok in America, saying no to an experimental emergency use only “vaccine” is not. I hope everyone in the national security state, and the elites who are mandating genocide with the threat of tyranny, and loss of employment have full Nuremburg 2.0 trails. I’m not anti-vax, I am antideath, & corruption. I have taken hundreds of vaccines over my 63 years, but I knew this vaccine was suspect, since there are simple over the counter natural cures available in every store in America.
They can KMA.

John Doe
John Doe
1 year ago

Maybe the code means “not suicidal” or “not insane” or “not a sheep.”

1 year ago

One thing no one noticed but it was mentioned in the article – Mark of the Beast. What if the mRNA modifying spike protein is the mark the Bible talks about. The similarity is noticeable.

Doreen Hutchins
Doreen Hutchins
Reply to  Ozzonelayyer
1 year ago

Good to see your eyes opening to the hell we are entering. Most christians believe either the spike protein or the vaccine passport is the mark of the beast.

1 year ago

So at what point should PureBloods lie to their compliant physician and claim they are vaxxxed just to avoid the downside of woke angst?

Connie J. Sponheim
Connie J. Sponheim
Reply to  Cobraboy
1 year ago

Drop your Doc.. move over to Natural Remedies, better diet, organics, Naturopaths.. I have done.. and my health is terrific (but can’t protect myself completely, as air, water, land poisons, criminals, are still present) Best of luck…

1 year ago

Everything has a code and reimbursement value. Did you realize that the routine of having you “step on the scale” before every Dr appt. or having your blood pressure taken gets a $$ value for your doctor? What a shame that doctors and patients are just commodities for Big Insurance/Hospital conglomerates.

Laura O'Neal
Laura O'Neal
1 year ago

Good article! But What is the solution? Do we just wait and allow this to happen? Just Write about what is going to happen!!!

No we fight back we find a way out of this insanity. We pray that God helps us defeat this evil regime, just as he has done in the past. It doesn’t have to be the end if believers get smarter and fight all these unconstitutional laws.

1 year ago

Let Christ into your life. It’s free, it is liberating.

Let a DNA med into your life. Stroke and heart attack are also free.

If I were an actuary during this time, I would fear for my life.

1 year ago

Why would anybody obey a doctor’s summons for an unnecessary appointment? Just say “No.” The state Dept. of Health called me during the Covid terror and asked if I’d had the “vaccine.” I told them go urinate up a rope; they had no right to any information about me.

Bruce Linder
Bruce Linder
1 year ago

I dunno. Maybe it’s a good thing that medicine knows that heart attack you just had is secondary to the vax or it’s not secondary because you are un-vaxxed. Hopefully this is not a twisted result where the ‘pure bloods’ are given better medical care and/or at less cost because they are not tainted by the vax.

Doreen Hutchins
Doreen Hutchins
Reply to  Bruce Linder
1 year ago

Like you, I was naive once. Think about it: if they can monitor your very heart, they can also decide to turn you off if you don’t comply. Dead. When you look at history you will see when technology brings us good things, there are also greedy psychopaths using that technology for evil. Of course the un-vaxxed will not get better medical care. We have already seen hundreds of cases where the un-vaxxed cannot get any surgery done because they aren’t vaxxed.

1 year ago

Jews, people.

Top Jimmy
Top Jimmy
1 year ago

The more they push simply solidifies I did the right thing. Unvaccinated blood is going to be worth more than gold not too long from now.

1 year ago

In addition to pointing out the sinister actions of the allopathic system, we should outline the solutions to circumvent the madness. Providing answers that are opposite of reality, like their propaganda, should be the norm.

1 year ago

They are not protecting the blood supply it appears the garbage can be transferred bodily fluids of any kind. If they want you, they will get you the only question will the price be too high, they best be ready to pay a hefty price for me and my kind unless they ambush us.

Joan Andrews
Joan Andrews
Reply to  Inevitable
1 year ago

I donate blood regularly. Here in CA they do ask,if I have been poked, which one I have had. What do they know that they are not telling us?

Doreen Hutchins
Doreen Hutchins
Reply to  Joan Andrews
1 year ago

What do they know? Wake up Joan! Read “Lies My Government Told me by Dr. Robert Malone and you will know what they don’t want you to know. God Bless you

1 year ago

An EXCELLENT read and frighteningly very real. You said it profoundly in referencing the Bible. It’s all there for us to read and know. For those who need a different version of these Biblical facts, read The Harbinger series l and ll .
Our nation was FOUNDED on the principles of God , our nation was therefore given blessings and prosperity not known in any other nation. 9/11 was a first warning to RETURN to God . There will be more to come if we do not.
Thank you for this article. It was sent to me by one of the most caring and dedicated physicians practicing today and it’s heart wrenching to see his great love of medicine be so systematically destroyed.

1 year ago

Has this been enacted or currently being put through to have physicians begin to require this?

1 year ago

Myself and others stood are ground from the beginning knowing this entire push was a hoax just by the very roll out. And only a few medical virologists and scientists were willing to speak out against the government as they tried to push the lockdowns first then the biological weapons next, the alarms were ringing and 75% of the people refused to listen and took the shot’s multiple times and know we are ringing the bells again about the untold consequences of sudden death’s and the neurological damage that has been inflicted by these shots and again 75% are silent and refuse to speak out. The wheat has been separated from the chaff, are you right with GOD you better get there soon. Time you 75% realize you’re listening to the wrong voice!!!

John W Hayduke
John W Hayduke
1 year ago

Game on. They can come after me but they’re gonna have to be smart and fast and they are neither. I am sugar. They are a gas tank. Didn’t have to be this way, but here we are.

Connie J. Sponheim
Connie J. Sponheim
1 year ago

Brilliant information & assessment of what is… Many thanks for these Truths. Please continue as you can with the knowledge that many are benefiting from your work…

Augie K
Augie K
1 year ago

ICD 10 code definition for Z28.310 is Unvaccinated for COVID-19

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