
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 19, 2024





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Because they are immoral, they don’t just support immoral issues like drugs and sex trafficking at the border, transgenderism, and CRT; they add to their immorality by demanding we approve using Woke gender identity pronouns to support their ignorant unnatural ideas. Demanding we ignore the biological fact that a male on a woman’s swim team is a male and should either be castrated or ignored. They push local legislation to effect the return of abortions on demand while attacking Christians and Christian values that oppose such unAmerican drivel.

They hate the US Constitution and all it stands for. That’s why they must be defeated!

Democrats who are engaged in forcing these dangerous ideas on an increasingly alarmed public are meeting rising resistance, not from our elected Republican leaders, but from outraged citizens bravely facing the threats of FBI arrests as domestic terrorists, and protesting Leftist school boards. They encourage the destructive “let ’em loose” policies of Soros imposed DA’s, turning American Cities into fetid swamps of pure criminality, encouraging a growing climate of lawlessness, and driving honest people out. The lawless are armed, but Democrats want to relieve us of our rights to protect ourselves, our homes, and our loved ones.

Democrats threaten our individual liberty, evidenced by their unceasing efforts to disarm us and destroy the Constitutional safeguards to our liberty, the First and Second Amendments. Because they are, in fact, unAmerican, display no patriotism, and are tethered to an imbecile occupier of the Oval Office, they should be offered no redemption, no excuse, and no quarter. 

Democrats have used the apparatus of a corrupt Congress under the deranged leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, who have enriched themselves at our expense, to confiscate the hard-earned wealth from working Americans through onerous taxation, spending schemes that promote the inflation tax, actual thefts of property under the color of authority, to redistribute it, not to Americans but to party faithful, big donors, unionist leaders and millions of illegals invited across our borders to swell the ranks of Democrat rolls.

Democrat welfare programs that are offensive to common sense must be stopped immediately when Conservatives retake Congress. I include the billions of US dollars Biden is sending to Ukraine but not our own border. Too, I can’t see the new Conservative House agreeing to fund the 87,000 new IRS employees unless they possibly agree to go to the southern border to set up tables to collect an entry tax from those illegals coming across.

We must not forget that when wielding the authority of law, Democrats become tyrants capable of heinous acts like the murders of eighty US citizens in Waco, Texas, which they found amusing, entertaining, and justified. They are responsible for snatching up a little Cuban boy to be returned to Fidel Castro’s evil Island. They murdered a woman at Ruby Ridge on the contrived evidence her husband was an illegal firearms dealer. Not to mention North Korea’s nut case, Kim Jong-un and his odious sister.

The faith-shaking military pull-out from Afghanistan left an emboldened enemy with billions of dollars in weapons and a weakened American government facing the oncoming onslaught of its enemies, Russia and China.

We must not ignore the political and unprecedented search of President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. The humiliation of both is almost unbearable, yet the occupant in the Oval Office is clueless.

The felonies pile up, yet no remedial action by the federal government at any level is taken to investigate, arrest and remand violators for trial. The miscreants, so long as they are Democrats, go unpunished.

Yet, the January 6th, protestors to Democrat crimes are held in squalid detention as felons, fined onerous amounts of money, or imprisoned for terms longer than a real felon would get and are treated with the indignity of not even being an American citizen.

The Democrat socialist philosophy, running rampant, is unraveling our nation’s moral fabric. There are no civil liberties for Conservatives in their Socialist State. They are selfish, immoral, and dangerous. They will be defeated because we are justifiably afraid of their vision of America!

What’s your vision of America?

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved!


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