For over three years, all the Democrats and their stooges have been shamelessly and deliberately using Projective Identification (projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with their own unwanted feelings), thus blaming Trump for all of Obama’s failed acts and decisions.
While for over three years, Trump endured the most despicable and relentless assaults – upon his character, his achievements, his family and most important of all, his 63,000,000 supporters – of any president in the history of the Republic, yet he achieved most of the promises he has made to the American people, to the allies of the USA and to her enemies.
Before he left the presidency, Obama asked “Is Donald Trump going to use a Magic Wand to bring American industries back to the USA?”;The GDP will NOT go higher than 1.9%”. His dire forecasts were also supported by the economic gurus who predicted the complete collapse of the US economy if Trump is elected. Many of the ‘think tanks’ conjectured WWIII; several Nobel prize laureates foretold a recession under Trump and all other cataclysmic prognostications turned out not only untrue, but totally wrong.
Reading articles and watching the US news from across the Atlantic, the recurring theme that crosses my mind is a very old saying:
”When the gods want to destroy a people, they make them Blind”
In this case, Americans who are supporting the most extreme Leftist/ Globalist/ Communist (disguised as Socialist) aspirants for the presidency of the US, have been made Rationally Blind to all Facts and Reality.
Almost 47% of Americans who support the above clueless contenders, exist in a mental bubble completely devoid of any Logic but based entirely on their perceptions and irrational hatred of Donald J Trump, thus continuously suffering from their self-induced Trump Derangement Syndrome. They deliberately deny and or ignore the most remarkable achievements made by any president in the first three years of his mission.