The healthcare alternative, of course, is simply health, wholeness, and holiness. Of course, in these columns, I speak a lot about alternative healthcare, so-called because of the monopoly of allopathic medicine we are under. This is the essence of the whole concept of Lifestyle Medicine, except, unfortunately, the AMA always still dominates the conversation because of the fundamental allopathic monopoly we are under. It is high time that that was changed. Lifestyle Medicine is the natural medical approach for people who realize they want to take control of their own health. Your doctor now becomes your personal health coach, and by the way, the same needs to happen in dentistry but also in mental and spiritual health. Health is a big topic.
In a way, health is everything, for etymologically, health is related to the same Indo-European root as whole, wholeness, and holy (holon in Greek, as in holographic, etc.). In many ways, Advaita Vedanta is the best-known thought system to see that truth is non-dualistic, and that dualism is the condition of this world, but the Kingdom, as it is known in the Western tradition, is non-dual in nature. Philosophically, this is completely evident and simple. Within Oneness, there can be no contradiction, so Oneness, non-duality is Love, is Heaven, is God, is Spirit, is Holy, is Whole, is Eternity, is Infinity, is the Nowow, the Holy Instant. The Holy Instant is a term from A Course in Miracles, indicating the Now, as in the experience of absolute presence, not as in this second as opposed to other seconds in the present or the future, but as the experience of the sacred in our lives, the experience of what we really are.
7. Could you but realize for a single instant the power of healing that the reflection of God, shining in you, can bring to all the world, you could not wait to make the mirror of your mind clean to receive the image of the holiness that heals the world. ²The image of holiness that shines in your mind is not obscure, and will not change. ³Its meaning to those who look upon it is not obscure, for everyone perceives it as the same. ⁴All bring their different problems to its healing light, and all their problems find but healing there.
(ACIM, T-14.IX.7:1-4)
This passage, by the way, is also a reference to the words of Paul here:
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
KJV, 1 Cor 13:11-13
Both are different ways of saying the same thing. Paul had his moments! It all boils down to this:
When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the Kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside, everything is said in Parables 12 so that “‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise, they might turn and be forgiven!’” (NIV Mk 4:10-12)
In short, in our world, the world of duality, subject and object, we are outside the Kingdom, and we think we see with our body’s eyes, and we do not see the Kingdom, we are blind to it. But with inner spiritual sight, we can see wholeness and Love, and we can know the Kingdom enough to realize it is always there but never enough to sustain it, for the body would lose its function, and we are still afraid of that. This is the meaning of the concept of seeing the “Face of Christ” in all our brothers. It is when an encounter with anyone becomes a Holy Encounter and a flash of Eternity when, a moment later, we are back in the world and realize it is still 3:15 in the afternoon.
Such experiences come through letting go of our ego identity, and Jesus’ concept is forgiveness, as in letting go of all grievances, for our grievances stand in the way of realizing our non-dual reality, including our Oneness with whoever we encounter. The encounter with anyone always has the potential to become a Holy Encounter when we see the Face of Christ in our brother. As Jesus is quoted in the Bible: Where two or three are together in My Name, there I am in their midst. In short, every meeting has the potential to be a holy encounter.
When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. ²As you see him, you will see yourself. ³As you treat him, you will treat yourself. ⁴As you think of him, you will think of yourself. ⁵Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself. ⁶Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. ⁷Do not leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself. ⁸For I am always there with you, in remembrance of you.
(ACIM, T-8.III.4:1-8)
Our true self is our spiritual identity, and it is in the Oneness of the Kingdom. In this world, then, the longing for that wholeness and Oneness may manifest as disease. Such disease is an invitation to healing, becoming whole, and seeking Oneness and wholeness again. Such is the metaphysical meaning of illness. On a large scale, in any life, there comes a time of midlife crisis, of sorting out if I want to spend the rest of my time on the Sysiphus labor of trying to get what I want when I want it, or do I want to assume the journey home when I realize that the world has nothing to offer. The experience of the Eternal Now may come to us in various ways, and the ego usually tries to forget it. Still, they are unforgettable because they are reality.
I frequently have in earlier articles referred to Ivan Illich (see his bibliography) and his book Medical Nemesis, the Expropriation of Health, and I was delighted to see a marvelous discussion of it on substack by Unbecoming on his substack Lies are Unbecoming. If you have not already read the book, this is a great introduction, and if you have read it before, even like me, who has read it numerous times, it is a great refresher. Everything Illich raised in 1975 is as relevant today as it ever was. I personally do not have his very Roman Catholic view point that sees merit in suffering, but I can move past that, everything else is a marvellous analysis of how medicine can deprive us of being ourselves.
A close corollary is the book Rockefeller’s Medicine Men, which explains the formation of the medical monopoly we are under, whereby allopathic medicine became the only medicine, but clearly, it was driven by the fact that the pharmaceutical industry was mostly oil-based. Surprise, surprise, JD had ulterior motives. The corona crisis has given us a whole new set of revelatory investigations, and a few stand out:
Robert Yoho, MD, and his books Butchered by “Healthcare” and Cassandra’s Memo, Covid and the Global Psychopaths. Look up his website. You may still be able to get some of these brilliant books for free.
Another key piece of literature to come out of this period is the work of John Beaudoin, Sr, whose website is called The Real CdC, which is a play on his pen name Coquin de Chien. From his two books, you will see clearly how the bias of Evidence Based Medicine, shifts medicine over to treating cases, not patients, and that was the central enabling strategy that made the PCR fraud and the “vaccine” fraud possible.
The big question at this point is if a return to normalcy of a sort is even possible. Allopathic medicine consistently mistakes the symptoms for the disease, and chronic disease is the progressive deterioration of our health, which has now manifested as a declining life expectancy. Clearly, stopping all vaccinations is the first step, for vaccinations drive demand for medical services. Adopting the Lifestyle Medicine model and focusing on healthy living are the second most important steps. Not getting sick in the first place is the best thing you can do for your health. Simply honesting up about the meaning of sickness, is an important part, it is then when the prodigal son becomes conscious that running away from home is not the way home, so we consciously need to change course.