As Americans, we want a better quality of lifestyle for our children, believing “Knowledge is Power” one would assume a college education would far exceed that of a traditional trade school…?!
Well guess again! We’ve been sending our children to these top colleges to have lobotomy’s performed on them as liberal educators have taken this way too far. They are indoctrinating the thoughts and minds of America’s future leaders, the dumbing down of America’s children, year after year, decade after decade.
Liberal Progressivism is the disease and College Professors are the tools to weaponizing the mindsets of our college students.
There’s a debate regarding the radicalization time frame suggesting it started in the 1960’s when thousands of Muslim students starting migrating to the United States, filling college campuses across America, yet actually, the take over of our American University’s took place after 1860, as there were no graduate schools in the United States, those privileged would venture off to Europe, to the academic Universities to earn a PH.D.
The most prestigious were the German Universities, filled with secular liberalism and radical enlightenment thought, they had a two hundred year head start of imbedded liberalism with the likes of Darwin, Marx, Rousseau, Hegel, Spinoza, D.F. Strauss, Comte, Spencer, and other radicals who believed that in order to be fully educated–it meant to become revolutionized as liberal.
These fresh graduate Professors and Educators became the first generation of liberal indoctrinators to teach at American Universities as well as their spawn, so there was no taking over existing graduate programs–through time, these Americans who were indoctrinated at European Universities became the first faculty of ALL our American graduate programs, they were the intellectual elite, and they redefined what it meant to be educated with very little resistance.