There is absolutely no doubt that tiny Israel, against all odds, has unilaterally changed the political, military, and ethnic alliances of the Middle East.
I stated “against all odds” because she was able to do so, despite her being betrayed and stabbed in the back by almost all the European and American leaders who have been doing their worst to demonize its actions by regurgitating in full, with unconscionable lack of decency or fair play, all the mendacities perpetrated against her by Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the UN.
They and their criminally negligent Fake Media regurgitate Hamas figures of 44,000 deaths without ever differentiating between combatants or civilians, as well as including death by natural causes or the failed Hamas rockets inside Gaza. Nor do they explain to their audience that these Muslim terrorist entities use their own civilians as human shields so that their deaths are turned into propaganda victories against Israel.
The same spineless and clueless leaders, adding insult to injury, also limited or stopped supplying Israel with the weapons and or ammunition she needed for her own survival. Based entirely on the historical records, Western betrayal of Israel and Jews should not be a shock to the informed since European Jew-hatred has been going on, unimpeded, for the last 1700 years, when the Catholic church was established as the religion of the Roman Empire and declared Jews as a ‘perfidious’ people.
It is relevant to point out that there never was anti-Semitism in history. Not even Hitler was an anti-Semite because he was very friendly with Haj Amin al Husseini – the Mufti of Jerusalem – an Arab and a Semite. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are excellent examples; they hate only Jews, not Arabs or Muslims.
The European and American students who are demonstrating in support of Hamas (Arab, Semitic entity) are against Israel and Jews only. Not a single mayor in Europe or the USA has done anything to curb their violent and racist demonstrations. Neither have the leaders of any of the European and American universities.
Yet, these brain-dead American and European demonstrators and their supporters (not the Muslims) do not realize that Israel is the last line of defense for actually saving Western Civilization from its own deliberate slide to oblivion and submission to Islamic Sharia.
They have zero knowledge of Islam and how, for the last 1400 years (and continuing), Islam has been trying to utterly destroy Christianity, and if the trends are not reversed, the future of Europe will be under Sharia and the extinguishing of Christianity and its civilization. They demonstrate without an iota of comprehension, just for the sake of being a part of a herd mentality, like lemmings running to their own deaths.
Not a single one of these demonstrators, their leaders, the news media, politicians, or clergy in the USA and Europe, ever show any concern or compassion towards the relentless oppression, persecution, and destruction of Christians in Africa and Asia because, after all, it is Muslims who are doing it, not Jews, and hence are not newsworthy.
Western betrayal of Israel and Jews is not only beneath contempt but also beyond logical comprehension. Why would any sane leader side with the Sharia-compliant Muslims, the eternal and mortal enemies of humanity?
Tiny Israel, with 7,000,000 Jews, has single-handedly (excluding financial and military material help from the USA) degraded the terrorist entities of Hamas and Hezbollah to such a great degree that the Sunnis of Syria (part of ISIS) have overthrown the Assad regime, exposing the Ayatollahs of Iran to their imminent demise.
The new rebel group is not any better or different from any other Islamic entity that wants to implement Sharia, thus turning non-Muslims into third-rate submissive ‘citizens.’ Already, the repercussions are manifesting themselves in the most remarkable manner.
The Druze of Syria are declaring their preference to be under Israeli rule rather than that of the rebels. Many of the villages neighboring Israel, near Mount Hermon, are majority Druze who have very close family and ethnic relations to the Druze of Israel, who are part and parcel of Israeli society, in the IDF (Israel Defence Force), in the Knesset (Israeli parliament), the Judiciary and all other walks of life without discrimination.
As a majority in their own ancestral lands, no one has the right to force them to stay under any government they refuse to belong to. After all, most of the Middle Eastern states were created ad hoc by France and Britain after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, not based upon the free choices of the different indigenous national, ethnic, or religious affiliations, but on how literally, the European politicians drew the lines on the maps.
The Druze are not the only ones who want out of Syria under the new ISIS terrorist government; most of the dwindling Christian population in Syria would rather be under the protection of Israel than any Islamic entity. After all, they have been witnessing how the indigenous Christians of the Middle East, in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Gaza, have been overwhelmed by Muslims and how they are now less than 10% of what they used to be, while Christians in Israel thrive in safety unimpeded.
Israeli society will welcome the inclusion of the Syrian Druze into the fabric of Israel for the safety and survival of both groups.
Israel’s degradation of her enemies’ military might have created a domino effect in the Middle East. It is Turkey’s Recipe Erdogan, who is the actual supporter of the new ISIS Syrian government. Sunni Turkey will be the new malevolent player in the Middle East, replacing the Ayatollahs of Iran.
Turks have neither love nor respect for Arabs, no matter how much publicly they support the ‘Palestinians.’ They use the latter useful idiots as a weapon against Israel and the West. There are other minorities in Syria chafing to be separate from Arabs, Iranians, or Turks, such as the Kurds. The ethnic and political map of the Middle East is changing almost daily at the moment.
Whether the new regime will allow Russia’s naval facilities in Tartus remains to be seen. As far as Iran’s hold on Syria is concerned, it is now terminated. Israel pre-emptively degraded 86% of Syria’s weapons, research, and military installations on land and sea so that the new ISIS would not get hold of weapons of mass destruction or their delivery systems.
Israel’s air space to attack Iran is now much more realistic than a month ago. The terrorist Ayatollah’s regime is standing on its last legs, and they know it. For the first time in decades, the Iranian people feel nearer to salvation than ever before.
It is not impossible that Iraq will also unshackle itself from the Ayatollahs’ oppression now that the theocratic regime is weakened and discredited so much.
Their proxy terrorist Houthis regime in Yemen will last only a few hours – when Trump becomes president – if they attack any ships in international waters. They, like Hamas, will suffer HELL if they disobey Trump.
When Trump becomes president, the USA and Israel will have the best and only opportunity to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities because not even Russia would interfere, and hopefully and very realistically, liberate the Iranian people and bring them to sanity and freedom.
Israel’s domino effect is changing the map, alliances, and loyalties of the Middle East, hopefully for a better future for all concerned.