According to a recent article in Newsweek, James Carville asserts that “woke” ideology doomed the Democrat Party to defeat. He’s right.
Overtaken by Leftist activists, the Democrat Party no longer concerns itself with governance but with pursuing social revolution. The truth is that modern Leftism itself consists more of an oppositional mindset with quasi-religious overtones than of practical public policy stances. A psychological need for the pursuit itself fuels the constant demand for radical social change. That leads to the ‘tear it down’ impulse we see on the far left today.
History, customs, social norms, traditions, and institutions are all targeted as if their very existence were an injustice. When ideological zealots achieve a given social goal, gay marriage, for instance, they feel compelled to take it yet further, demanding a right to proselytize LGBTQIA “identities” among grade school kids. Eventually, they presume a right to “socially transition” kids behind the parents’ backs, to put tampons in the boys’ restrooms and boys in the girls’ locker rooms. This process moves always and consistently in one direction. So, our acquiescence to one demand always begets the next.
The same is true of the abortion activists. Demands become more extreme with every appeasement.
For example:
Colorado’s law places no limits on abortion. A woman in CO can kill her pre-born child on the baby’s birthday for any reason or none at all. The state even attracts “abortion tourism” from states that restrict the practice to pre-viable stages. But until this election, we weren’t all obliged to participate. That’s no longer the case. Remember that the psychological needs of a zealot are only met with constant pursuit. So, the abortion-as-Sacrament zealots in CO proposed a State Constitutional Amendment that would shield the barbaric practice from any future legislative action. When the political landscape changes – and it will – a sane General Assembly will not be able to regulate or limit any aspect of abortion, not even its taxpayer funding.
Horrifyingly, it passed with a sizable majority. Many Colorado voters may not have realized the implications of entrenching bad law in the state Constitution because the ballot language concealed the measure’s impact. Colorado citizens are now saddled with a Constitutional amendment that defines abortion as a fundamental right demanding tax-funded subsidy and compulsory insurance coverage. Every taxpayer in the state is now compelled by law to participate in abortion: late-term, partial-birth, organ harvesting – you name it. No limits of any kind are possible until or unless this abomination is repealed.
At some point, the extremism of placing both the practice and the tax subsidy of anything as controversial as late-term abortion beyond the reach of the legislative process will draw an effective challenge. And when it does, there will be a reckoning that shines another spotlight on the aggressive extremism of the Leftists who now dominate the “Democrat” Party.
Obviously, not all who eschew religion and spiritual practice will embrace political activism in a religious way. But religiously-zealous activists are nearly always people who have rejected the real thing. This is no secret. The wording of Leftist political organizations’ recruiting ads demonstrates these organizations’ awareness of this. Recruiting for side-gig help with phrases like “join our movement,” “support the cause,” and “make a difference” are designed to attract people for whom political causes have replaced religion. Unfortunately, the more secularized our society becomes, the greater the number of people rendered bereft of higher meaning and therefore vulnerable to the seductive “replacement therapy” of Leftist activism.
It should be said that good things have come from the efforts of people who approach activism with religious zeal. The abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights laws are examples. In each of these, however, people of actual religious faith embraced a demand for change that was informed by their faith. They acted because of their faith, not instead of it. Such people also pursue an actual, objectively defined goal, not a personal state of being (an activist).
In the case of irreligious zealots, rationality is often replaced by a grandiose self-assessment and a warped measure of morality that treats destructive results as sacramental offerings made to the cause. This inclination is grotesquely exaggerated by the hubris that grows in ideological echo chambers. Considering that most of the Left-aligned political, media, tech, education, and entertainment sectors have become ideological echo chambers attracting activists, the increasing absurdity and extremism should not be surprising.
Pregnant emoji-man is a fitting symbol of the Democrat Party’s demise.
The longer such people are in power, the more extreme their pursuit becomes until it collapses under the weight of its own indefensible, self-destructive insanity.
And that collapse is what we’re witnessing now.