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When God created the heavens and the earth, did He plan for His work to last forever? The new buzzword is “sustainability.” Sustainability means being able to harvest things without ever running out of resources. Ironically, the climate change clowns have weaponized this word to push their hoax of solar, battery, and wind-generated energy. They are called “sustainable” resources because the wind and sun are free to all. Of course, this is just another lie. Our only truly sustainable resource is God Himself — He is the First Mover, the Creator of all things, and the sustainer of all life. But what is our responsibility before God as His creatures to take care of the earth?
Just because we oppose the Green New Deal, EV fraud, and the unsustainable green energy hoax, it doesn’t mean we should have no regard, respect, or responsibility for “tending the garden” of the earth’s natural resources that are so essential to human existence.
When God told us to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth and subdue it, He did not give us a license to destroy, pollute, deface, and indiscriminately harvest the earth’s resources. Some Christians may ask, why not? The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:10, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.” If it’s all going to go up in smoke anyway, why worry about taking care of the earth?
I sometimes wonder if Christians live in that mindset, particularly those who believe in an imminent rapture. This is wrong thinking and destructive doctrine. Moreover, the fool who believes there is no God would be even more callous with the earth’s resources. Especially if they are rich. “Eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we die” is their motto. Why worry about anything except me? At the core of such thinking is greed, which always leads to poor stewardship.
In the Gospel of Luke 12:13-21, Jesus told the parable of the rich fool to teach a profound point that affects our earth stewardship: “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions” (verse 15). And then He told us not to worry about our lives.
Instead, God instructed us to fill the earth and subdue it. Be creative and resourceful, enjoy it, and use your talents to make the world a better place. Isn’t that what Thomas Edison did when he invented the light bulb? And Alexander Graham Bell, who gave us the telephone?
But we now live in a world where tainted scientists say we are destroying the earth by everything we do. We are depleting the ozone layer, consuming the earth’s “fossil fuels” (a gross misnomer), melting the polar ice caps, and overpopulating the earth. Assuming we manage to survive the Gates-Fauci genocide, we will own nothing and be happy if we follow the globalists’ solution to the problem. This is not God’s design for His creation!
Still, tons of garbage are dumped into the ocean every day. Raw sewage and chemicals pollute our waters, and heaps of trash continue to pile up in our landfills. Do we have no responsibility as Christians to take care of the earth? In fact, we do. Examples of good earthly stewardship abound in the Bible.
The authentic, good caretaker of the earth has a heart of gratitude and respects God’s creation in every way. He doesn’t waste resources, is not cruel to animals, and does not ruin the land or man’s creative structures with litter, graffiti, and property destruction. He strives not to pollute the environment and does his best to beautify the world. He is diligent to be fruitful and to make the world a better place.
God created man to be a free-will participant in His creation. With free will comes choice. With choice comes responsibility. Responsibility demands accountability. And accountability requires discernment. Who is right? Is drilling for oil more destructive to the environment than mining for battery minerals and metals? Is oil less biodegradable than dead car batteries? Leftist environmentalists, whose agenda is greed, power, and control, have fed us nothing but lies.
God’s prescription for taking good care of the earth is this: live with integrity, honor God by respecting the earth with all its manmade creativity, and be grateful for the privilege to think, create, procreate, and act freely. Be wise enough to live righteously, and don’t fear living according to God’s plan for His wondrous creation. It is a beautiful plan that gives us purpose, fulfillment, happiness, and a lifetime of goodness from the planet on which we dwell.
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