Did you know that Fluoride is a Neurotoxin and Dangerous to your health, so why is it found in most major brands of Toothpastes? Did you know that Fluoride was a “Rat Poison” before it was Toothpaste?
Contrary to what we’ve been taught from childhood about the component of fluoride in toothpaste, Scientist, Researchers and Holistic Health and Wellness Professionals have discovered that it’s a contributing factor to lower IQ in children.
The following conditions are negative affects that fluoride has on the human body:
Brain damage, tumors, cancer, immune system disruptor, thyroid disorder, arthritis, dementia, infertility, genetic damage and cell death, muscle disorders, lethargy, increased lead absorption, bone fractures, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, apathy & passivity, interferes with white blood cell production, kills brain cells, lowers sex drive, infertility, sedative, accelerates the aging process, attacks the hypothalamus, affects heart circulation, receding gums, shortens lifespan, memory loss, joint pain, lack of motivation, inhibits melatonin production, kidney stones & kidney failure, damages stomach and digestion, inflammation, accelerates osteoporosis and many others.
While pharmaceutical-grade fluoride is also a toxic drug, this is not the type of fluoride being added to drinking water and your toothpaste.
The fluoride that is typically used in your water and toothpaste is a contaminated chemical byproduct that comes from the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing process. Over 170 million people or 67% of the U.S. drink fluoridated water, 43 of the 50 largest cities drink fluoridated water, Why?
According to Dr. Bill Osmunson, “There’s the same equivalence of fluoride in an 8 ounce glass of fluoridated tap water as there is in a “pea sized” amount to call the Poison Control Center as recommended on the back of any fluoridated toothpaste.”
Researchers at Harvard University performed a meta-analysis of 27 different epidemiological studies on fluoride levels in water and neurobehavioral development.