World War One and World War Two were the bloodiest wars in human history, not because they were World Wars (there were previous world wars that were never labeled as such), but because they were fought under industrial conditions. Simply put, by World War One mankind had learned to kill with the efficiency of an assembly line.
The end of World War One also brought the world its first communist nation, with Russia becoming the Soviet Union. China, and a number of other nations, later followed suit. As these nations industrialized, Communism gained the efficiency to kill on an industrialized scale.
Hitler killed around 12 million people, and we hold him as arguably the evilest man ever to live. Hitler was a fascist – not a communist, but fascism and communism are both totalitarian systems.
Communism has killed somewhere around 200 million people, with some estimates claiming that Mao alone killed 200 million of his own people. Lenin, Stalin, and their successors killed at least 40 million people in the Soviet Union and in the other nations that fell under the Soviet boot heel. There were also mass-murders in Cambodia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba – everywhere communism has been tried. Mass murder is inherent to communism. Marx and Engles openly called for it.
Against this backdrop, the Cuban people have taken to the streets of Cuba with chants of ‘Libertad!’ or ‘Liberty!’ while waving American flags. These people are demanding the end of the communist regime in Cuba, and Cuban President Diaz-Canel has called on ‘Revolutionaries’ to ‘use whatever means are necessary’ to put the protests down. Back in America – the nation the protestors are looking to for support – the state department claims that the protests are related to Covid-19, but the protestors are not protesting a disease; they are protesting an economic system that does not feed them or give them access to medicine.
None of the self-avowed Democratic Socialists in Congress have said anything about the Cuban protests as of this writing. Communism’s mass murders continue, and they can’t say a word about it.
Let us be clear with our definitions. When I say communism has ‘killed’ upwards of 200 million people, I mean that communist leaders ordered 200 million people to be rounded up and killed outright; to be killed in state-ordered starvation events; or to be sent to concentration camps as political prisoners, where they then died under the most brutal and inhumane conditions imaginable.
A ‘starvation event’ is where the military surrounds a group of cities or villages, takes all of the food from that area, and then keeps the area sealed off from the rest of the world until everyone in that area has starved to death. The government then moves in people who are considered more loyal to the communist regime, to replace the dead.
Had Hitler won WWII, his goal was to kill the entire Jewish, Slavic, and Gypsie populations of Europe, primarily through starvation events. Stalin used two mass-starvation events in the 1930s to subdue Ukraine, killing roughly 13 million Ukrainians (he also killed around 20 million of his own people). Most of Mao’s 100 million to 200 million victims also died in forced starvation events.
Some people ask how many people capitalism has killed. I’ll answer that… There has only been one free-market political tyrant in history. His name was Augusto Pinochet, and he executed somewhere between 1,200 and 3,200 leftists, socialists, and political critics, in order to turn Chile away from communism before the communists could kill many more than that. Pinochet spent eighteen years turning Chile into a free market state, and then stepped down.
Today, Chile is the richest nation in South America.
The hammer and sickle should be thrown into the dustbin of history, right next to the swastika. All forms of totalitarianism kill, and must be rejected.
Mankind’s ability to kill has expanded exponentially since the time of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, and as America begins to play with totalitarian ideologies, we should take a step back and consider just how brutal such a regime could be when mixed with modern technology.
Imagine what it would have looked like had Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had access to the kinds of information the NSA collects on everyday Americans. Imagine if Hitler, Stalin, or Mao would have had access to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Imagine if Hitler, Stalin, or Mao would have had access to the technology of the modern police state.
The NSA keeps track of every single phone call, e-mail, text message, and social media post every American makes. People are not reading or listening in on all of these things, but computers do, and those computers look for keywords and phrases. If the right keywords and phrases are found, the post, message, or phone call is sent up for more scrutiny, potentially by a person.
Supposedly the NSA does this to protect us against terrorism, but in the modern police state, with a Democratic Presidential Administration that is coming dangerously close to labeling dissent as ‘terrorism,’ it is not hard to imagine a political purge. Throw in that there are security cameras everywhere, and that the NSA has face recognition technology that can track our movements around the country, and suddenly the capability to round up political dissidents can be done on a scale Hitler, Stalin, and Mao could only have dreamt of.
What would a political purge in America look like? It would look a lot like the political purges that have taken place in other countries. The first step will involve employers mandating politically-based training, followed by layoffs of conservative employees. Conservatives, in the meantime, would be recklessly and ruthlessly attacked by the press. As public sentiment increasingly turns against conservatives, they will be labeled ‘dissidents,’ ‘extremists,’ and ‘potential terrorists’ by the government. In other words, the first parts would look exactly like what we see in America today.
Those who want to be free need to be increasingly vocal against the forces of totalitarianism rising up in America. This may come at a great economic cost to some of those people, but if history is our guide, the lives of untold millions of Americans are at stake. Totalitarianism kills.
Image: AP