By Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD and the Military Advisory Council Truth For Health Foundation –
Sergeant Major Jason Brunhoeber, a decorated Army infantry leader with numerous Army awards, including the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Metal, as well as numerous Army Commendation Medals, sustained major debilitating injuries following the mandated COVID shots that have cost him the rest of his career. His former elite level of physical and mental fitness has been devastated by the shots. He is now undergoing a Medical Elimination Board for these injuries after an exemplary record that included three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

SGM Brunhoeber
An Army Sergeant Major is the highest level of Army enlisted leadership. The American people do not realize the damage this Covid shot is doing to our fighting force, which has catastrophic implications for our national security and military readiness.
These unlawful COVID-19 mandates have ripped through our military service members, and tens of thousands have been unlawfully discharged, while others refused continued service, and exited early. This has created a retention, recruiting, and readiness crisis for our all-volunteer military force.
SGM Brunhoeber is the tip of the iceberg on COVID vax injuries costing our soldiers their careers and leaving America vulnerable with the loss of such experienced soldiers, sailors, and airmen service members. Thousands of service members are being sent into the medical board process from serious injuries after the COVID-19 injections.
The Department of Defense brass refuses to recognize this catastrophic damage to our military. Instead, DoD leaders continue their mantra of “Safe and Effective,” even after military whistleblowers came out with the Department of Defense’s own data that shows there was a 1,100% increase in vaccine injuries after the COVID-19 injections were rolled out among our military in 2021.
This COVID-19 vaccine has been based on fraud from the very beginning. America’s service members should never have been subjected to the unlawful mandate to take the experimental Covid injections. Anyone who spoke out against these unlawful mandates has been destroyed and punished in vicious retaliatory actions.
SGM Brunhoeber’s story illustrates the DoD’s callous disregard for the dangers of these experimental COVID injections. SGM Brunhoeber reported to Fort Carson, and this is where everything went wrong for him regarding these COVID-19 mandates, his health, and continued military service. SGM Brunhoeber was always very athletic and committed to fitness. He had been involved in wrestling since age 6, played football, baseball, rugby in college, and semi-pro rugby after college. He “lived” in the gym and has always been in great shape. His elite level of fitness ended abruptly after his COVID shots in the fall of 2021.
Soon after arriving at his new duty station on Fort Carson, he received the 1st COVID-19 injection and got sick, but said, “It wasn’t too bad.” On September 27th, however, he received the 2nd shot, and this is where his health took a nose dive. Immediately after the second shot, he became severely ill, and his wife said she thought he was going to die. He never fully recovered, could not run, could not do physical training, and could not even go to the gym.
Prior to this, he attempted to obtain religious accommodation information based on his Catholic faith, but the chaplain at the church he attended was unresponsive to all calls and emails. SGM Brunhoeber finally decided he could not risk losing his retirement benefits after 19 years in service and so close to retirement, so he gave in to the coercion and took the COVID-19 injections. Like so many thousands of service members and civilians as, well, it was “jab or job.”
Unfortunately, the severe adverse physical effects after receiving the injections didn’t stop or improve. By late October 2021, he was rushed to the hospital to have an emergency removal of his appendix, suspected as a complication of inflammation and micro blood clots from the COVID shot.
Then, in March 2022, he woke up with excruciating pain in his neck and has endured severe pain in his neck and shoulders since then. These neurological problems progressed to complete numbness in parts of his right hand and fingers. Additionally, he’s had constant chronic debilitating headaches that interfere with daily function.
As a result, of these ongoing severe complications, SGM Brunheober faces a Medical Evaluation Board for all his vaccine injuries since September 2021. This is a tragic and terrible way to end military service after such an exemplary career.
SGM Brunhoeber is an extensively decorated combat veteran who has served our Nation honorably for 19 years with multiple combat deployments overseas. His awards include the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal, numerous Army Commendation Medals, Army Achievement Medals, Army Good Conduct Medals, Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary, and various other Service Medals. He has earned the Combat Action Badge, and Air Assault badge, and is a recipient of the Field Artillery Honorary Order of Saint Barbara. As a Sergeant Major, he has achieved the pinnacle of the Non-Commissioned Officer ranks in the Army.
Tragically for SGM Brunhoeber and his family, as well as our Nation, the Pfizer COVID-19 injections cost him his health and his military career. Our Nation has lost an experienced, dedicated Army leader due to the political agenda of Biden and his DoD command, who have betrayed America and her volunteer military service members.
For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.
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ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ON DAMAGE TO OUR MILITARY and Department of Defense Violations of Law:
Gateway to Freedom Conference: David Beckerman (chronological of the DoD C19 Mandates)
Congressional Petition & Senator Contact Assistance