In the end, false narratives always crumble because they are false, and people ultimately come to that conclusion. Within the past few weeks, the CDC changed its summary of guiding statements regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with further reductions in the number of people and scenarios where there need to be testing, quarantine, and inconveniences from normal work or school life.1
The most important issue the CDC has resolved is that from a public health perspective, there is no distinguishment between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated citizen. This statement alone, if followed, should end all school, employment, military, and travel vaccine mandates since there is no clinical difference between the two conditions.
This week, the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) division director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, announced his retirement as of December 2022. In the formal NIH announcement, oddly, there is no mention of his largest professional activity, the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak or COVID-19 crisis.2 Complete silence on the past three years and what, if any, involvement he had with SARS in the years prior to 2020.
Many have said that these are signs the false narrative is crumbling and the advent of scapegoating, which is fully expected as a part of the demise of a syndicate that has worked to ruin our country and much of the world. Much of the damage done has been biologic, that is, due to the engineered Spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and loaded in the genetic code installed in each person who takes the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.
We have an excellent show for you this week with some key major media interviews with Dr. McCullough with Roman Balmakov of Facts Matter by Epoch Times, and on FOX News IngrahamAngle with Laura Ingraham and Stanford Professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.3 Many suggestions are given for CDC reform so we do not have a repeat performance with a future pandemic. Our music segment is from Dennis of Carothers Parkway, a patriotic song you will love — “God Save America.”4
So let’s get real, let’s get loud; on America Out Loud Talk Radio, this is The McCullough Report!
The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the significant issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. Each episode goes to major podcast networks early in the week and can be heard on-demand anywhere in the world.