In late January, the Biden Administration announced that May 2023 would be the projected end of the “COVID-19 Public Health National Emergency.” Then BOOM! On February 3, right on schedule, we get this news release: NIH announces “breaking news” of a new “vaccine” for the Sudan virus, another deadly virus threat. The “Sudan virus” is one of four viruses known to cause human Ebola virus disease. The new vaccine, VSV-SUDV, was suddenly developed at the speed of light based on a limited four-month outbreak in Uganda with “143 confirmed cases, with 55 deaths.”
But how were the cases confirmed? Why is this outbreak affecting 143 people in Uganda suddenly such a threat to Americans that it warrants more experimental vaccines pushed on the public? Why did they only use 11 monkeys in this study? Where is the safety data in clinical trials for people? Why the rush? Is there again something we are not being told? Remember Bill Gates smirking on national television saying, “They’ll take it seriously next time”?
When Big Pharma has been exposed having problems with 10,000-fold variance in the labeled dose of mRNA in the COVID shots, and widescale contamination of vials of mRNA shots, can we trust them to suddenly produce safely manufactured NEW vaccines for this Sudan virus?
Today’s column is organized into two parts:
Part I: Our panel’s scientific and common sense analysis of the February 3 NIH News Release shows the likelihood this Sudan virus is another fear campaign to create the next Plandemic as the US government sees COVID fear no longer working to control people and force vaccination, and the implausibility that a safe or effective “vaccine” could be developed in 3-4 months from the reported outbreak of Sudan virus.
Part II: What the NIH News Release actually said, so readers can compare the announcement wording with our medical/scientific/ legal panel analysis and draw your own conclusions.
PART I: Panel Commentary:
After three years of lies about the COVID Pandemic from WHO, the US government, NIH, FDA, CDC, state and federal public health officials, Big Pharma, Corporatized Medicine, Big Tech, and other stakeholders being paid bonuses from our taxpayer dollars to control people through FEAR, there is a high probability we’re going to be told more lies to coerce people into yet another experimental “jab” to bring windfall profits to Big Pharma.
You can bet we will shortly hear every news anchor in unison saying in dire tones: “There’s a global outbreak of a hemorrhagic fever virus in the Ebola family. We’re all going to die; it’s time for Biden to lock down the entire country before we all bleed to death.” And then, miraculously, go into the government-planned script: “But don’t worry, due to the miracles of modern science and our pharmaceutical companies, we already have a vaccine developed to protect you!”
Our highly credentialed panel listed above researched these pathogens and reached some alarming conclusions, consistent with concerns raised by Preventive Medicine physician Dr. Vliet and physicians in many countries:
1. No unique symptoms exist for these “diseases.” There is almost 90% symptom overlap between COVID-19, Ebola (Sudan virus is one of four reported to cause “Ebola” disease in humans), Marburg, Monkey Pox, AND exposure to 5G and other EMF Radiation.
2. Mysterious outbreaks of all these diseases start & stop suddenly, with no valid explanation, in remote locations far from any independent oversight.
3. PCR is claimed to be “the gold standard” tool for diagnosis, yet the inventor of the test said clearly, “The PCR test was never intended to be used for diagnosis.” PCR tests are non-specific, and have high rates of false positive results.
4. The new experimental vaccines have a common pattern of funding: US National Institutes of Health (NIH)/NIAID run by Anthony Fauci, with employees and researchers sharing in new product patent royalties; The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/GAVI, and /or the massive Wellcome Trust.
5. All outbreaks have occurred far from Western media, investigative journalists, and independent medical scrutiny. Notice how quickly “MonkeyPox” ceased to be in the news once started mocking the seriousness of it, and nobody fell for the media fear-mongering.
6. There are some peculiar aspects to this new Sudan virus causing Ebola disease in humans. It’s supposedly so terrifying and such a public health threat, yet it rarely occurs beyond one place at a time. Though the claimed case fatality rate can be extraordinary, the actual total number of deaths is so low as to be irrelevant in the lives of ordinary people.
7. The claimed immunology is also odd, in that the NIH News Release claims there is little to no cross-protection. That’s most unlikely given the body’s normal immune capability to mount a robust response when the pathogens have similarities in structural and genetic sequence.
8. On its own merits, outbreak control is much simpler for Sudan virus/Ebola and Marburg virus spread by direct contact with bodily fluids of infected people than it is to control influenza-like illnesses spread by respiratory droplets over longer distances when sick people cough or sneeze.
9. FEMA and other whistleblowers in the US have confirmed the government plans for forced quarantine detention centers (already built) and forced vaccination using military and law enforcement.
10. The United Kingdom agencies posted job positions for “a vaccine coordinator for the largest planned vaccine roll out in UK (and territories) history.” Then when found out, the job listing was promptly hidden. The job offer ends on the 14th of February.
For one with common sense, after watching the COVID playbook the last three years, these “viruses” and the frightening symptoms portrayed in the media, these viruses’ entire raision d’etre appears to be inducing terror as a weapon of global control. Many thinking people are asking: Since these outbreaks of new diseases all have very similar symptoms, have they been deliberately claimed to be a “new virus” with the goal of terrorizing the planet?
These diseases labeled a “pandemic and a public health emergency of international concern” appears to be in large part fictitious fear-mongering, even if built on a basis of a real disease, such as influenza-like illness, but not as highly lethal as the media hype wants people to believe. Notice if you pronounce the acronym PHEIC, it sounds like FAKE!
The goal is to strike terror into the hearts of people to provide the excuse to get people injected, to impose extreme repression of our constitutional rights, and to smash the economy once again.
PART II: After reading the Panel’s conclusions above, now read the NIH News Release that follows and see what YOU think.
“A National Institutes of Health research group with extensive experience studying ebolavirus countermeasures has successfully developed a vaccine against Sudan virus (SUDV) based on the licensed Ebola virus (EBOV) vaccine. SUDV, identified in 1976, is one of the four viruses known to cause human Ebolavirus disease. The new vaccine, VSV-SUDV, completely protected cynomolgus macaques against a lethal SUDV challenge. The findings were published in the journal The Lancet Microbe. (Note to readers: The Lancet is the same discredited British medical journal that published fraudulent studies attempting to suppress hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for early COVID treatment).
SUDV is distinct from and less common than EBOV, but similarly deadly. A recent four-month SUDV outbreak in Uganda that ended on Jan. 11, 2023, caused 142 confirmed cases and 55 deaths. No treatment or vaccine for SUDV disease is licensed, although candidates are in clinical and preclinical trials. One of these candidates is VSV-SUDV, developed and tested by scientists at NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Hamilton, Montana.
The live-attenuated vaccine uses genetically engineered vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), an animal virus that primarily affects cattle, to express a SUDV protein as a single-dose vaccine. The researchers developed VSV-SUDV using techniques that led to Ervebo, the VSV-EBOV vaccine that the European Medicines Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved in 2019 as the first vaccine for the prevention of Ebola virus disease. In the current studies, the investigators replaced the key EBOV protein in Ervebo with the comparable protein from SUDV.
Next, the researchers tested the safety and efficacy of VSV-SUDV in macaques. The study involved 11 animals, each of which had previously received the EBOV vaccine and then rested for nine months. Six macaques were vaccinated with VSV-SUDV and five control animals were vaccinated with VSV-MARV, a vaccine candidate in development for Marburg virus. After 28 days, during which no animals showed adverse effects from the vaccines, they were challenged with a lethal dose of SUDV. None of the animals vaccinated with VSV-SUDV showed any signs of disease, but four of the five control animals developed clinical signs of Sudan virus disease. The surviving control animal, which responded similarly to the vaccinated animals, surprised the scientists, and they plan additional studies of possible cross-protective immune responses.
The fact that four control animals got sick demonstrates that pre-existing immunity to EBOV and VSV-EBOV has limited effect on protection from SUDV. The investigators anticipate that giving people VSV-SUDV in a dosage similar to that of VSV-EBOV (Ervebo) would provide rapid protective immunity to SUDV.”
So America, put on your common sense hat, and you decide: real news or PHEIC FAKE fear-mongering? You can choose non-compliance or capitulation…but remember, freedom once lost is rarely regained.
For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.
Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military, who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, Hedley Rees, Attorney Shabnam Mohamed, and Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, discussed these issues and more in The Whistleblower Report; you can listen to the podcast at this link: Breaking News! NIH Announces Next New Vaccine Rollout.
More insight on the guests from this podcast and additional resources:
Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is an attorney, activist, and journalist in South Africa and the founder of Transformative Health Justice, which manages SA VAERS, the independent C19 shot adverse events reporting system for South Africa. She is also the executive director of Children’s Health Defense Africa, and serves on the steering committee of the World Council for Health.
Resources for Stop the Shots in South Africa: a ) SA VAERS project: Independent AE reporting system in South Africa: b) TV interview: (9min) c) MSM article: 2. The WHO – mRNA pharma scene in South Africa: 3. CHD.TV interview with Katherine Watt, called Enemies of The State: (starts at 7/8 mins):–south-african-doctor-charged/.
Mike Yeadon, Ph.D. immunologist and former Pfizer Chief Scientist worldwide for respiratory pharmacology and product development, speaks from a thirty-year career in pharmacological research and development, new product development, and as a Biotech entrepreneur. He has been a courageous Whistleblower since the fall of 2020, warning about the damage to pregnancy development as a result of the spike protein, similarity to a critical placental protein, and lipid nanoparticle damage to the ovaries and testicles. He is also Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health Foundation and an expert witness on damage from the COVID gene therapy injections. His warnings two years ago are clearly being played out in the damage to people we are seeing now. He brings a global perspective to the vaccine injuries, and overall agenda with the COVID shots.
Hedley Rees, based in the United Kingdom. Mr. Rees has been providing consultancy on the development, manufacture, and distribution of drugs that are fully compliant with the GMP requirements of 21 CFR Title 21, since 2005 through his company, PharmaFlow. Prior to that, he spent 16 years in senior roles in Big Pharma (Bayer) and 10 years in biotech (British Biotech, Vernalis, and OSI Pharmaceuticals (now Astellas). Read more on Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs): Watch his recent interview discussing the violations of manufacturing processes and regulations that are supposed to keep us safe:
Mr. Rees also authored Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics for Wiley, NJ in 2011. His expertise is in the area of anything to do with manufacture through the three phases of clinical trials (and preclinical if required) and ongoing distribution of the commercial supply. Where regulations have been breached, he has a duty to bring this to the attention of regulators, as has been happening with the frozen vials of COVID shots that were shipped only part-way finished. Follow Hedley Rees on his Substack column, INSIDE PHARMA, where he shares all he can to expose the lies and deceptions that are costing lives and jeopardizing public safety. Watch one of his many interviews here:
Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team: