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September 16, 2024





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  • IQ al-Rassooli

    Iraqi exile, Arabic speaker, scholar, and author. Eager to debate any Imam or Infidel and ready to answer any question. Asserts that The Koran is not a Holy Book; it is a roadmap to total war with western civilization. I.Q. al Rassooli is among the foremost authorities in the world on the subjects of Islam. Author of Lifting the Veil - his monumental trilogy of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad & Islam" should be a must-read for those who really want to know the facts.

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Talk Shows & Podcasts Featuring IQ al-Rassooli

Associated Articles and Podcasts

Although we have proven beyond a shadow or even a reasonable doubt the following: a) Islam does not mean Peace but SUBMISSION b) Allah is most definitely NOT the same as the God of the Bible c) Islam is NOT a religion but a CULT; the Cult of Muhammad d) Muhammad was NOT a prophet but a charlatan and the murderous leader of the first Organized Crime Syndicate in history e) Jihad is NOT a spiritual struggle but Eternal & Mortal war against Infidels/ Kuffar/ Non Muslims We shall buttress our unimaginably controversial conclusions and articles by continuing our series of revelations regarding the TRUTH about Muhammad, Muslims and Islam, as we are addressing the FACTS (not the false propaganda) about how Muhammad and his followers truly perceive 80% of humanity called Kuffar/Infidels based entirely upon their ungodly scripture. About thirty years ago, the world was awash with reports about Salman Rushdie’s book the’ Satanic Verses’ for which he received the usual Muhammadan Muslim response to any criticism and or investigation of Muhammadan Islam, a Fatwa (a religious decision) to have him ASSASSINATED for telling the TRUTH although in a fictitious story. Was there and is there a record of […]

Continuing our series regarding the TRUTH about Muhammad, his Quran, Muslims and Islam, we are addressing the FACTS (not the false propaganda) about WHY Muslims and almost all so called ‘scholars of Islam’ have totally and deliberately ignored the following crystal clear evidence that no god called Allah or angel called Jibril (Gabriel) ever revealed anything to Muhammad. While reading Ibn Ishaq’s monumental “Sirat Rassool^ Allah” (The Biography of Muhammad) and the Hadiths, I came upon hundreds upon hundreds of instances of events or actions that were taken or ordered by Muhammad, for which only AFTERWARDS, a ‘revelation’ was ‘descended’, justifying or explaining it by an indisputable ‘divine decree’. As far as I know, no one has addressed this fact. There are literally hundreds of such examples and we can only recite a few of them that very clearly prove the depth of Muhammad’s deception which he willfully and knowingly perpetrated against his believing, superstitious, illiterate and very gullible followers: Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 6.318    Narrated by Aisha Sauda (the wife of the Prophet) went out to answer the call of nature after it was made obligatory (for all the Muslims ladies) to observe the veil. She was a fat huge […]

Continuing our series of revelations regarding the TRUTH about Muhammad, Muslims and Islam, we are addressing the FACTS (not the false propaganda) about WHAT Muslims truly harbour for Christians based upon the Muslims’ unholy scripture. According to the Hadiths (Muslim traditions about Muhammad), the Christian ruler of Abyssinia protected the followers of Muhammad who escaped alleged persecution at the hands of the pagan Arab tribe of Quraysh. Also according to the Hadiths, Muhammad met with the priest Bahira in Syria who allegedly recognized him as a prophet. Furthermore, Muhammad was married to his first and wealthy wife Khadijah who had a very Christian background. Why then does Muhammad’s Quran attack Christianity and Christians? To answer the above relevant questions, one must study both Quran and Hadiths that prove that Muhammad’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity was even more abysmal than that of his understanding of the Hebrew Bible, as we shall forthwith reveal. We are enclosing only the most devastating verses because putting all the other 100 plus verses is unnecessary in this article. The words Christian and Christians appear 14 times in the Quran: In positive form Three times In negative form Seven times In neutral mode four times […]

For the at least the last 40 years most European politicians have knowingly, deliberately and systematically allowed their countries to be invaded (they call immigration) by Muslims. Most of these leaders were either leftist/ liberals or socialist/ globalists who do not believe in borders; who truly think that all religions are the same if not similar; that it is a “human right” for the less fortunate Asians and Africans to reside in Europe. These elites made absolutely certain that their “social and political engineering” will succeed by controlling the media, academia and freedom of speech. In the USA, the same elitists have also succeeded in bringing up young men and women who have been indoctrinated with globalism, with lack of respect for patriotism, religion, military and extreme intolerance of any point of view contrary to theirs. In 2015, Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany allowed and welcomed the INVASION of Germany and Western Europe with over 1,500,000 undocumented Asians and Africans most of whom Muslims and 85% of whom young men of military age. These Muslim invaders will NEVER assimilate or integrate among Europeans because their belief system based upon Sharia (Quran and Sunna) prohibits Muslims from ever becoming loyal […]

Continuing our process of pulverizing Islamic beliefs based entirely upon their own sources, the history, facts and truth regarding the collection and compilation of Muhammad’s Quran prove how utterly irrelevant the declarations of Muslims that their Quran was Uncreated (divinely written on tablets with Allah) then revealed piecemeal over the inordinately long period of 23 years to Muhammad, then collected after his death and has been unaltered for 1400 years. Every follower of Muhammad believes sincerely that the verses of the Quran that they have today are EXACTLY the same as the ones recited to his companions 1400 years ago. How TRUE is their Perception? There is absolutely no doubting the sincerity of their belief. This is after all, exactly what their scholars have taught them throughout their life and without actually researching the subject with an open mind, they shall continue to believe this utterly untrue narrative. Let us investigate the records left to us by the scholars of Muhammadan Islam themselves and the intense researches made on this subject thereafter. At the very beginning of ‘Islam’, Muhammad’s Quran was mostly being memorized by several of his companions (the absolute majority of the Pagan Arabs were illiterate) and not […]

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