
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 1, 2024





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The outrage regarding the FDA and CDC approving and promoting the vaccines to our youngest is being heard from coast to coast. Although the public message is that parents are in desperate need to vaccinate their kids, bureaucrats know this is not the case. We’ll talk about these approvals and answer your questions today on America Out Loud PULSE.

NBC News reports: CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s final approval means shots can begin immediately, finally ending the two-and-a-half-year wait on the part of parents of children under 5. The unanimous recommendations from the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices followed the Food and Drug Administration’s authorization of the shots on Friday.

President Biden responded to the announcement Saturday hailing it as a “monumental step forward.”

“For parents all over the country, this is a day of relief and celebration,” Biden said. “As the first country to protect our youngest children with COVID-19 vaccines, my Administration has been planning and preparing for this moment for months, effectively securing doses and offering safe and highly effective mRNA vaccines for all children as young as six months old.”

Here are a few examples of the kind of questions that we will address on the program today ⏤

Doug – I hope Dr. McCullough covers the terrible FDA approval (and maybe soon school mandate) of the vax for kids. It’s pure corruption and evil. This is where I draw the line.

Concerned Parent – I’m from Costa Rica, the FIRST and ONLY country in the world to enforce vaccines on children as young as 5 years old WITH or WITHOUT their parent’s consent. Recently a 6-year-old child was taken from his mother and vaccinated by force by a group of doctors, nurses and hospital guards. This behavior is unacceptable and pretty concerning and local authorities have not done anything about it as they have promoted it. I decided to write just to see if he could look into all of this and maybe make a statement or a comment somewhere online, just so us parents can show it to the local authorities and help them understand that what they are doing is wrong and it will harm all our children.

Andrea – Thank You for all of your work. You have been a mentor, whistleblower, and profound pillar in showing the truth. What is the current number of deaths from the COVID Vaccines? How can we find this number out for ourselves? The VAERS website is confusing. Can you help guide your listeners in a short synopsis of how we can pull this info out for ourselves?

Dave – I heard an interview with Megan Kelly and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently. He said that it is illegal to have an Emergency Use Authorization if there is another drug (or drugs) that is useful in fighting a virus or disease. Hence, he said, this is why the NIH and Fauci tried to downplay the effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin. Can you please comment on this?

TJ – What’s the percentage of COVID vaccinated people that you’re seeing with heart issues & breakdown of ages?

Jackson – Is it possible to catch Covid three times?

Bob – I am unvaccinated but did suffer from a moderately intense case of covid last year despite early treatment. I am growing increasingly concerned by the several studies finding brain changes in large percentages of post covid survivors. Given that the number of people who had COVID and are potentially brain-injured would be far higher than the number of vaccine-injured, perhaps taking the vaccine was the better choice after all, as it typically prevents the deeper and longer-lasting infections that would lead to brain damage. Where we too clever for our own good and are now caught in a human Mareks disease situation? Dr. Stella Immanuel has brought up this exact issue up last year.

Join us weekdays at 5 pm ET and the encore at 10 pm ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa.

Monday’s with Dr. Marilyn Singleton, Tuesday’s with Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley, Wednesday’s with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud, Thursday’s with Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, Friday’s with Dr. James Lyons-Weiler. Discover all the episodes on podcast networks, i.e., Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Tunein, Stitcher, iHeart. You’ll find them the day after they air on talk radio, available on podcast. Extraordinary voices for extraordinary times.


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Gary bossard
Gary bossard
1 year ago

Had covid only no back. Have issues with skin. I believe no vaxed covid survivers may immune system auto immune syndromes in a variety of areas. Comments?

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