
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 18, 2024





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Censorship puts whole societies at risk.

The “Hunter Biden Laptop Story” is not about Hunter’s salacious indulgences, as implied by the propagandists and censors who tried to suppress it. It’s the story about the Biden family’s longstanding corruption; their leverage of our nation’s highest offices for personal gain. It reveals the extent to which the American Presidency is compromised by Biden’s occupancy of the office.

Why do the FBI, CIA, and other three-letter agencies conduct extensive background checks on applicants for security clearance?

To ensure no foreign or domestic entity is in a position to exercise control over the applicant. Lives are at risk when government officeholders are compromised by the need to conceal their dirty secrets. So our top-security clearance-holders must be thoroughly vetted. Yet these same agencies willfully engaged in suppressing evidence of such compromise of a candidate for the highest office in the USA.

The FBI itself, in full knowledge of the veracity of the emerging facts, characterized the story as “Russian disinformation” and warned media companies not to be complicit in “foreign election interference” by carrying the reports about the content of the laptop. The agency has apparently been entirely overtaken by partisan operatives.    

And the Party’s propaganda arm willingly complied with that suppression, banning articles, stories, images, and even opinion pieces about the exposure of the Biden family business. The NY Post and others who ran the story were slandered as Russian puppets for their coverage.   

What did the resulting censorship prevent voters from learning ahead of the 2020 election?

News about Biden family corruption that emerged as a result of Hunter Biden’s laptop included evidence about Biden’s leverage of the Vice Presidency to position his drug-addled son on the board of a foreign oil company, to secure contracts with Chinese entities for which Hunter would, apart from the opportunity for VP access, never be considered and countless instances of Biden senior covering for Hunter’s debauchery with underage girls, drugs, etc.

Any of these compromises to the interests and motivation of a person holding high office in the US government is cause for dismissal. In combination, they present a picture of devastating corruption, an officeholder incapable of operating in the interests of the American citizens.   

A stunning learning fail:  

In a recent interview with Joe Rogan, Facebook’s ideologically-driven senior executive admitted to an error in suppressing the distribution of these stories, but, incredibly, continues to defend censorship as “reasonable.”

Zuckerberg and other ideologues who deem themselves more capable of discerning truth than other mortals ⏤ may admit an “unfortunate outcome in this instance,” but they will never concede their “moral authority” to control what other people hear, see, read, think and say.

Censorship is DEADLY-DANGEROUS because NO ONE PERSON, entity, party, agency, etc., is CAPABLE of knowing enough to censor others without suppressing significant, true, and urgently needed information.

Censorship is IMMORAL because it cannot be accomplished without trampling on the NATURAL rights of other human beings.

It’s good to hear an admission from Zuckerberg that FB’s suppression of at least one story was wrong. FB did its part to manipulate an election outcome, the result of which seated an administration that is hopelessly compromised. The total price paid by American Citizens for this of this harm may take decades to reveal itself. Zuckerberg’s “in-kind” donation to the DNC and the Biden campaign should be prosecuted under the laws that govern election funding.

And we should be actively confronting Zuckerberg and the rest of the corrupt DNC propagandists for the incalculable damage caused by using C19 as a weapon against human liberty, wellness, economy, and social order. All who participated in the propaganda that suppressed early treatment or supported coerced injection of mRNA should face the ruinous consequences of the harm they caused.

>  Censored information about viral-replication suppressors, drugs with a decades-long history of clinical use and well-known safety profiles, prevented early-outpatient treatment of many. The early success experienced by patients and doctors in using these medications was maligned, suppressed, and denied when reported. As a result, patients were denied any treatment until advanced disease made recovery impossible. The suppression, not only of information but of competent medical practice, was deadly.

>  Censorship and propaganda combined to promote an aggressive deployment of the mRNA shots on the general public, even people facing no threat from c19. Mandates and coercion are STILL being used to get this poison into people, even as the CDC and prominent “experts” like Dr. Birx now admit that the shots offer no protection and do present risks. The propagandists were DEADLY WRONG about existing therapeutics, and they’re deadly wrong about the mRNA injections.

Propaganda presented as “news” is a powerful way to convert problems of all varieties into political power. Debunking a strategically-crafted propaganda campaign requires a diligent, consistent, and well-informed effort. But when propaganda is combined with active suppression of facts, reason, and competing viewpoints, many more people are sucked into the propagated narrative, compelled or coerced into action that empowers the “ruling class” while harming themselves and their families.

It’s long past time ⏤ the self-appointed “keepers of the truth” were held responsible for the death and destructions their arrogant actions have caused. These people deserve nothing short of complete ruin.


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Tihamer Toth-Fejel
Tihamer Toth-Fejel
1 year ago

Given human nature, it makes sense that some evil people will use a pandemic to gain power over others. In addition, useful dupes will become convinced that evil or mistaken “experts” are correct and that the unwashed masses need to be protected from misinformation by all means necessary. Unfortunately, there are still people who believe that the Earth is flat, so a case can be made against “misinformation”. OTOH, perhaps people who are taken in by the Babylon Bee and the Onion should be left to their own devices.

That being said, calling the vaccines “poison” is silly, as is calling it “deadly”. About five *Billion* (with a *B*) people have been vaccinated against Covid. If the vaccine was really an LD50 poison, then half the people we know would be dead. If the vaccine didn’t cause our antibodies to react, then nobody would die from it, but it would be useless against Covid.

Is the vaccine experimental? Do vaccines sometimes present risks in some people? Yes and yes. Claims to the contrary (e.g. Dr. Faucci at the beginning of the pandemic) can be viewed as attempts to calm the fears of people who slept through high school biology and couldn’t tell the difference between non-coding DNA and transfer RNA. For myself, immunocompromised and over 60, the chances of my dying from Covid were between 60 and 800 times more likely than dying from the vaccine (depending on whose numbers I used), so the risk factoring was easy. Plus I’d rather have a limited supply of the admittedly toxic spike protein in my arm than have the same protein in my lungs while they are attached to self-replicating viruses that were making more copies.

Ask yourself — what would have happened to politicians who *DIDN’T* do everything in their power to stop the pandemic? The politicians *had* to do something, even if it was wrong.

It is not necessary to spin conspiracy theories or attribute wickedness to people who disagree with us, when ignorance and stupidity provide an adequate explanation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tihamer Toth-Fejel

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